The Intergovernmental Policy and Planning Division (IGPP) functions as a conduit for intergovernmental communications by gathering and disseminating information concerning the needs of local governments and Council of Governments, the programs of assistance available to them, and legislative activities affecting them.  IGPP also coordinates state efforts to revitalize cities, preserve the unique charm of our state, and build livable, economically strong communities while protecting our natural resources for the enjoyment of future generations.  The IGPP Division includes two units - the Office of Responsible Growth (ORG) and the Assessment, Data Collection and Grants Management Unit.


PA 490 Survey To provide updated and reliable PA 490 land use values, the state conducts this farm-level surveys to collect data representative of land characteristics, soil types, rental rates, and other supplementary information.  Surveys due no later than April 23rd. 

Upcoming Grant Award Announcements: 

State Plan of Conservation and Development - The State Plan of Conservation and Development - "Connecticut Conservation and Development Policies Plan 2025-2023" was adopted by the General Assembly on March 5, 2025.

CT Fair Share Housing Study - OPM has engaged ECONorthwest to assist in the analysis and development of the methodologies. ECONorthwest has performed similar studies for other states around the country. The final report will be presented to the General Assembly to help guide choices for future housing production policy considerations.





Municipal Coronavirus Relief Fund Program - CARES Act - March 2020 to December 2021

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 / Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds - June 2021 to present                                                                  


Division team members advise the Secretary on regional and local governmental issues and propose legislation relating to property assessment, taxation, and conservation and development. Team members also make recommendations to the Secretary concerning legislative and administrative improvements to property tax exemption programs administered by IGPP that assist business enterprises, as well as tax relief programs for the elderly, veterans and persons with disabilities. The division administers over 20 grant programs under which funds are annually distributed to Connecticut municipalities, districts or residents thereof and Councils of Governments.


The Undersecretary serves as the Secretary’s designee on the State Water Planning Council (WPC), the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) and the Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Advisory Board.  The Undersecretary also serves as the OPM liaison to the Connecticut Councils of Governments (CTCOG), the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM), the Connecticut Conference of Small Towns (COST) the Connecticut Association of Assessing Officers (CAAO), and the Connecticut Tax Collectors Association (CTx). 


The Division provides administrative support to the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) and the Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Advisory Board. In addition, team members are appointed to the Certified Connecticut Municipal Assessor Committee and the Certified Connecticut Municipal Collector Committee. 


ORG team members prepare revisions to the Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut (C&D Plan) on a recurring five-year cycle. The Plan provides the policy framework for state capital investment decisions regarding future growth and development in the state. Staff also administer the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act and oversee the process that seeks to minimize or avoid environmental harm resulting from state agency actions that may have an impact on the environment.


Team members prepare legislative and technical reports for use by state, regional and local officials. Additionally, team members provide assistance to municipal officials and disseminate information concerning Connecticut assessment and property taxation to the general public.

The Office of Responsible Growth is established by C.G.S. Section 4-66dd as a successor to Executive Order #15 to coordinate state efforts to revitalize cities, preserve the unique charm of our state, and build livable, economically strong communities while protecting our natural resources for the enjoyment of future generations.

Develops and recommends policy to the Governor and provides guidance to municipalities in certain areas of property tax assessment. Issues regulations concerning municipal revaluations; qualifies revaluation personnel; recommends guidance for motor vehicle property assessment purposes and PA 490 land use values; and prescribes municipal assessment forms.

Manages formula grant programs that benefit municipalities and property tax relief programs that benefit individuals/companies.  Team members collect, analyze and publish municipal data including grand list, equalized net grand list, mill rates and tax levies. 

Oversees the municipality revaluation process including date tracking and certification of revaluations.  Tests and certifies revaluation employees and companies.    

Martin L. Heft, Undersecretary  860.418.6355