National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
Through the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP), Bureau of Justice Statistics of the Department of Justice, provides direct awards and technical assistance to states and localities to improve the quality, timeliness, and immediate accessibility of criminal history records and related information. Complete records require that data from all components of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, and corrections be integrated and linked. NCHIP assists states to establish the integrated infrastructure that meets the needs of all components.
NCHIP Program Goals and Objectives
  • To ensure that accurate records are available for use in law enforcement, including sex offender registry requirements, and to protect public safety and national security.
  • To permit states to identify—
    • Ineligible firearm purchasers
    • Persons ineligible to hold positions involving children, the elderly, or the disabled
    • Persons subject to protection orders or wanted, arrested, or convicted of stalking and/or domestic violence
    • Persons ineligible to be employed or hold licenses for specified positions
    • Persons potentially presenting threats to public safety
For more information on the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) , please visit the following web page on the Bureau of Justice Statistic (BJS) web site:
State of Connecticut NCHIP Funding and Project Summaries
The Office of Policy and Management serves as the State Administering Agency (SAA) for the distribution of NCHIP funds in Connecticut.  Within that role, OPM serves as the facilitator and coordinator to gather complex NCHIP project narrative and budget information prepared by entities such as the Judicial Branch, the Office of the Probate Court Administrator, the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Service.  A comprehensive project document, containing the required application components for each agency/project, is then submitted the to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) for evaluation and review.  When an NCHIP grant award is made by BJS to the State of Connecticut, OPM will then issue individual grant awards by agency/project and then coordinate any required grant administration activity, including the submission of Quarterly and/or semi-annual BJS reporting requirements, throughout the life of the grant.
The NCHIP program was initiated in 1995 and awards are made annually to each applicant state and eligible territory by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.  NCHIP funds distribution is based on need rather than population or other formula-based methodology, i.e., funds are awarded on a competitive application basis. 

Program Contact:

Ryan Fleischman
Lead Planning Analyst


Project Summaries
For a synopsis of NCHIP projects by year and by project, please select a year from the menu below to review individual NCHIP grant projects undertaken by the State of Connecticut:

2020 | 2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |

2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |

Additional Criminal History Records Projects 1995-2003

Chronology for NCHIP (and related) Funds Awarded to the State of Connecticut

Grant ID
FED Award
NCHIP (estimated) (estimated) (estimated)
1995-1999 various $2,397,968 $2,397,968
2000-2003 2000-RH-CX-K020 $2,420,000 $268,890 $2,688,890
2004-RU-BX-K012 $421,000 $46,778 $467,778
2004-RU-BX-K012  $465,400 $115,350 $580,750
2006-SK-BX-K004 $147,760 $36,940 $184,700
[No Award]
2008-RU-BX-K009 $265,440 $66,360 $331,800
2009-RU-BX-K001  $319,040 $79,760 $398,800
2010-MU-BX-K028  $565,437 $141,359 $706,796
2011-MU-BX-K049  $596,760 $66,307 $663,067
[No Award]
2013-MU-BX-K012 $367,560 $40,840 $408,400
2014-RU-BX-K009 $1,931,188 $193,119 $2,124,307
2015-RU-BX-K026 $2,170,386 $241,154 $2,411,540
2016-RU-BX-K017 $2,397,217 $239,722 $2,636,938
  2017 2017-RU-BX-K017  $1,606,122  $178,458  $1,784,580
  2018 2018-RU-BX-K001 $3,342,734 $371,415 $3,714,149
TOTAL $19,414,012 $2,086,452 $21,500,463
2008 Stalking and Domestic Violence Records Improvement Program
2008-SK-BX-K008 $230,528 $57,632 $288,160
TOTAL $230,528 $57,632 $288,160
NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
2011-NS-BX-K005 $3,250,000 $0 $3,250,000
2012-NS-BX-K005  $1,650,000 $0 $1,650,000
TOTAL $4,900,000 $0 $4,900,000
2013 (JAG) Improving the Completeness of Firearm Background Checks
2013-DG-BX-K004  $878,410 $0 $878,410
TOTAL $878,410 $0 $878,410
GRAND TOTAL $25,422,950 $2,144,084 $27,567,033