
doctor checking patient's heartbeat

Healthcare advocate resources

Healthcare Advocate resources offers various healthcare programs and services to ensure you know your rights regarding healthcare plans.

You can find the following on this page:

  • The definition of indemnity insurance and FAQ
  • Descriptions of how indemnity plans work
  • Explanations of commonly used related terms
  • Overviews of popular health insurance coverage choices

Health insurance information

three women sitting in a row, typing on laptops

Healthcare and insurance

If you feel there are many terms used in the healthcare and insurance world, you’re not alone. Here are working definitions of commonly used words, general insurance information, and an overview of public and private health insurance programs.


couple reviewing Medicare paperwork

Am I eligible for Medicare?

You’re eligible for Medicare if you’re 65 or older or meet certain other qualifications. has all the details you need!


cell phone screen featuring Medicaid

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid provides health coverage for adults and children who otherwise can’t afford it. The adult Medicaid programs in Connecticut are called HUSKY A, HUSKY C, and HUSKY D. HUSKY B is Connecticut’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).


form that says Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act

Should I enroll in COBRA?

If you’ve lost your employer-sponsored health insurance, COBRA might be the best alternative to keep your coverage while you’re in between jobs.
  • Find coverage 
    What to do when you lose your coverage. Find out what your options are.
  • Federal info 
    Get more info on COBRA directly from U.S. government.
  • Contact OHA 
    Contact OHA for answers to your COBRA questions.
  • Access Health CT 
    Find out if getting insured through Access Health CT is a better alternative for you than COBRA.

Coordination of benefits

laptop, stethoscope, and money on a desk

What is COB?

Many health insurance plans allow families with two wage earners covered by health benefit plans to receive up to 100% coverage for medical services.

Learn about indemnity insurance

person sitting at a desk paying bills

What’s an indemnity plan?

Indemnity insurance helps pay medical bills. You may cover some costs yourself first (deductible). After that, you'll share some of the costs with the insurance company (co-insurance). You can go to any doctor or hospital and insurance will reimburse you.