Medicaid & CHIP

Medicaid is a Federal program that is operated by the States, and each State decides who is eligible and the scope of health services offered. Medicaid provides health coverage for some low-income people who cannot afford it.  The Medicaid programs in Connecticut are HUSKY A, HUSKY C and HUSKY D.

doctor examining x-ray

Individuals may meet Medicaid eligibility requirements in a number of ways.  Children and their caretaker relatives whose family income is less than 185% of the poverty level, and pregnant women whose income is less than 250% of the poverty level are eligible for HUSKY A.

Certain individuals may be eligible for Medicaid because they are aged, blind, or disabled.  Individuals in this category qualify for HUSKY C.

Single adults whose income is below 56% of the federal poverty level may qualify for Medicaid for Low Income Adults (LIA) or HUSKY D.

In Connecticut, our Children's Health Insurance Program is called HUSKY B.  Children in Connecticut with low family income may qualify for HUSKY (Healthcare for Uninsured Kids and Youth).  if their parents' income is above 185% of the federal poverty level.  The HUSKY Plan is a comprehensive health insurance program to help Connecticut families obtain and afford coverage for their children.  The HUSKY B program requires payment of monthly premiums and cost-sharing.

If you have questions about Medicaid or HUSKY, contact:

State of Connecticut
Department of Social Services
Toll free at 1-855-626-6632
Or HUSKY/Children’s Health InfoLine
Toll free at (800) 434-7869