A notice about two Resource Centers.

Congress ended the replacement SNAP benefit program in December 2024. The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the start of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Wait times at the Waterbury Resource Center may be longer than usual due to renovations.

We are still open to serve you. For additional assistance you can also call 1-855-626-6632 or visit connect.ct.gov. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Changes you need to report

Once you start getting SNAP, there are certain changes you need to report.

You must report the following changes:

  1. If your household's total monthly gross income is more than 130% of the Federal Poverty Limit(FPL). Gross income is all money you get from working and any other source before any money is taken out.
  2. If anyone in your home who is subject to the ABAWD time-limits works less than 80 hours in a month.
  3. If your household receives lottery or gambling winnings of at least $4,500 in a single game.

You must report these changes by the 10th day of the month after the month the changes happen. For example, if you win $5,000 on a single lotto ticket on 2/15/2024, you must tell us by 3/10/2024.

If you report a change, we will review your case to see if it will change your SNAP benefits.

Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) households have different reporting requirements.

How to report your changes

There are four ways you can report your changes:

  1. Submit your change online
    1. We will get your information sooner
    2. Online by visiting MyDSS on a computer, phone, or tablet.
    3. For more information on MyAccount online services, please visit the video guides for DSS clients.
  2. Mail your changes to the DSS Scanning Center:
    DSS Scanning Center
    PO Box 1320, Manchester, CT 06045-1320 
  3. Contact the Benefit Center at 1-855-626-6632
  4. Go to a local DSS Resource Center to drop off your changes.

Other changes to report that are helpful in keeping your SNAP active and correct

Reporting other changes may be done at any time but is not required.

Examples of other changes include:

  • If you move
  • If you change your phone number or email address
  • If your income changes (for example if you start or stop a job, or start getting child support or unemployment)

    *Note: This becomes mandatory if your household’s income goes beyond 130% of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL).

  • If your household size changes (for example, someone moves in or out of your home, you marry or divorce, or have a child)
  • If your immigration status changes

If your gross income is more than 130% of the FPL

If you report when your gross income is over 130% of the FPL, but you stay on SNAP, you have met your reporting requirement. You do not have to report income changes again until your next PRF or renewal, whichever is first.

If you are already over 130% of the FPL when you are granted SNAP, you do not need to report income changes again until PRF or renewal, whichever is first.

130% FPL Chart

Household Size

130% of FPL















Each additional member


What happens if you don’t report the mandatory changes

If you don’t report the mandatory changes, and you get SNAP you were not eligible for you may:

Watch the short video to find out more about these mandatory reporting requirements!
