How to Apply for Services

How To

If You Have a Disability (Requesting Accommodation)

The Department of Social Services is committed to serving the needs of the people with disabilities in Connecticut.  If you ask us, we can help you fill out forms, get documentation, make medical appointments and get medical documentation to prove disability.  If you cannot come into the office to complete your application, DSS can do your interview over the telephone.  We also have informational materials available in alternate formats.

General Application for food, cash and certain health/medical coverage:

Households and individuals who wish to apply for SNAP (Food Stamps), Medicaid for the Aged/Blind/Disabled (HUSKY C), Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window(MED-Connect) , and/or cash assistance can apply on line, please visit Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window, under ‘Apply for Benefits.’

You can also use the ‘W-1E’ form to apply for these programs, available hereVersión en Español.


Applying for health/medical coverage:

For Children, Parents & Caregiver Relatives of Children, Adults without Dependent Children, and Pregnant Women --

If the person who needs health coverage is a child under 19; or the parent or caregiver relative of a child under 19; or an adult who is at least 19 but under 65 and without dependent children; or a pregnant woman, he/she may be eligible for HUSKY A, HUSKY B, or HUSKY D.

You can apply for HUSKY A, HUSKY B, or HUSKY D:

(1) Online through Access Health CT at Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window
(2) Over the phone by calling Access Health CT at 1-855-805-4325
We encourage you to apply online or over the phone in order to get the fastest determination of whether you are eligible.
(3) Using application form ‘AH3,’ available by calling Access Health CT at 1-855-805-4325 or in a Department of Social Services (DSS) office
(4) In person at a DSS field office (please note that you may have to wait to see a worker)

For Adults 65 or Older, and Adults with Disabilities --

If the person who needs help is 65 or older or has Medicare or is blind or has a disability, he/she may be eligible for HUSKY C or MED-Connect (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities).

You can apply for HUSKY C or MED-Connect:

(1) Online to DSS at Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window

Applying online is the fastest way to apply and see if you are eligible.

(2) You can also use the ‘W-1E’ form to apply for these programs, available hereVersión en Español
[This form can also be used to apply for food and financial assistance programs]

(3) In person at a DSS field office (please note that you may have to wait to see a worker)

For Long-Term Services and Supports --

If the person needs long-term services and supports, also known as long-term care (nursing home or home- and community-based care), he/she may be eligible for HUSKY C. Read more about those services here.

You can apply:

**Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports Application Process at DSS**

To better serve our applicants and providers, effective January 5, 2015, DSS has realigned our four Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Application Centers.

• The Bridgeport, New Haven and Waterbury LTSS Application Centers now process all Medicaid applications for nursing home care from specific cities and towns. Please check this table for which of the three LTSS Application Centers to use regarding nursing home applications, based on your city or town.

• The Greater Hartford LTSS Application Center will process all new Medicaid applications for home- and community-based services statewide (Medicaid waiver programs). Please check this table for the Greater Hartford LTSS Application Center address.

Application packets with as much documentation as possible should be mailed directly to the appropriate Long-Term Services and Supports Application Center.

Application for downloading:

Application for Long-Term Services and Supports (W-1LTSS)

Application for Long-Term Services and Supports- Spanish (W-1LTSSS)


To apply online, please visit Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window under ‘Apply for Benefits.’
[Please note the LTSS Application Centers that process the new nursing home applications also support admissions and discharges affecting their area nursing homes in the ASCEND system.]

For questions specific to a pending case, clients may call the assigned caseworker directly. Applicants will be provided a worker’s contact information once the case is assigned. For all other general calls or questions, the DSS Benefits Center staff will be happy to serve you at 1-855-626-6632.

The Long-Term Services and Supports Application Centers are processing new applications only. Long-Term Services and Supports redeterminations and interim changes, as well as boarding home and residential care home applications and redeterminations, will continue to be processed through the statewide ConneCT model. This means that all paperwork for redeterminations and interim changes, as well as boarding home applications and redeterminations, should be sent to the DSS ConneCT Scanning Center at P.O. Box 1320, Manchester CT 06045 (not to the Long-Term Services and Supports Application Centers).

Special Notice about State Supplement Applications For Rated Housing Providers

**New Rated Housing Application Process at DSS**
Important new information,

Effective August 1, 2015

For Medicare beneficiaries who need help paying premiums and other costs --

If the person is receiving Medicare and needs help paying Medicare premiums and out-of-pocket costs, he/she may be eligible for the Medicare Savings Programs. Read more about how to qualify for these programs here.

You can apply for the Medicare Savings Programs:

(1) Online to DSS at Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window
(2) Using application form ‘W-1QMB,’ available here.
(3) In person at a DSS office (please note that you may have to wait to see a worker)