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Welcome to the Connecticut WIC Program,

where NUTRITION is Just the Beginning…

   Pregnant Mom 1   Pregnant mom 2

Are you expecting a baby?

As soon as you know! At WIC, we know that you want the best for your baby.  We are here to support you during this exciting time in your life.  The sooner in your pregnancy that you come to WIC, the more time we have to get to know you and your hopes and dreams for your little one. 

To learn more >

 breastfeeding mom        New mom         new baby            child

Breastfeeding a baby?     Are you a new mom?     Do you have a new baby?    Is your child less than 5? 

If you said “yes”, to any of the above questions, you or member of your family may be eligible to participate in the WIC Program!

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (better known as the WIC Program) provides free nutrition and breastfeeding information and support.

If you qualify, you will be able to:

  • Speak one-on-one about your diet or your child’s diet; with a nutritionist or a trained paraprofessional (a person who has been trained about food and nutrition).
  • Meet and talk to other moms with young children.
  • Get referrals to health care and other social service programs.
  • Get supplemental food benefits using an eWIC card to buy healthy foods for you or your child.

A nutritionist is a professional that has 4 years of education in nutrition or dietetics.  Many of our nutritionists in Connecticut are Registered Dietitians (RD’s).  A registered dietitian is a person who has met the basic schooling and practice requirements, passed a national test and has the credentials “RD”.   

Pregnant Moms

pregnant mom 3

WIC local agency staff knows that you want the best for your baby.  We are here to support you during this exciting time in your life.  The sooner in your pregnancy that you come to WIC, the more time we have to get to know you and your dreams for your little one. 

We are here to serve you!  As an expectant mom, you will get free nutrition education from WIC nutritionists and get referrals for other important services and programs that you may qualify for. As an added bonus, you can save money every month by using an eWIC card to buy healthy foods. 

What to Expect When You Come to WIC?

You’ll be asked to give information on your health and eating habits, blood work results (to check your iron status) and take updated weights throughout your pregnancy.

Your WIC nutritionist uses this information to:

©       Check in with you to make sure you see your doctor regularly throughout your


©       Provide chances to monitor your weight during pregnancy so that you’ll know

      how much weight gain is right for you to avoid problems during delivery and have a

      healthy weight baby.

©       Talk with you about what foods to choose more often so that you can give your baby

      a healthy start even before he or she is born.

©       Remind you what foods to watch out for that may be harmful during pregnancy.

©       Provide support and referrals if you need help to not smoke or use any alcohol or

      drugs during your pregnancy to protect your unborn baby and yourself from dangerous

      side effects of these substances.

©      Support and encourage you in your choice to breastfeed your baby.


new baby

Congratulations new parents!  WIC staff know that you want to give your baby the best possible start in life.  It is never too early to set the stage for healthy eating habits. You can do this by starting out feeding your baby your custom-made breast milk. 

Then, when your baby shows he is ready for solid foods (around six months); slowly start new foods, one at a time. WIC provides infant cereal and baby vegetables and fruits when your baby is 6 months old.  Babies that are fed only breast milk also receive jarred baby food meats. 

Your baby will grow quickly in the first year of life; what you, as the expert on your little one, choose to feed her has a lifetime effect on health and weight gain.

What to Expect When You Come to WIC?

During your WIC visit, the Nutritionist would love to hear all about your baby.   She/he wants to listen to all of your hopes and dreams for your little one.  This allows her/him to make a plan just for you and your baby around foods, playtime and general health.  WIC staff hears questions all the time from moms about these topics: 

·         Breastfeeding

·         How to start healthy feeding habits 

·         Baby growth

·         Baby safety

If you would like, she/he can also share information on well-child visits, including immunizations and other resources that are important to your baby’s well-being.

You will be asked to give health-related information about your baby like weight, height and feeding habits.

Your WIC nutritionist uses the information to:

©       Support you in breastfeeding your baby.

©       Support you as the expert on your baby’s eating habits and provide you with

      information to share with your baby’s other care providers, like his Dad, grandma or

      day care. 

©       Talk with you about normal infant feeding patterns and review age appropriate foods

      to offer to your baby.

©       Work with you to trouble-shoot feeding challenges that are common in the first year

      of life.

©       Check your baby’s growth to make sure he is developing well.

©       Talk with you about how to store and make foods safely to stay free of food-related


Breastfeeding Moms

breastfeeding mom

Congratulations on your new arrival!  We’re so excited you are breastfeeding.  WIC staff promotes and supports breastfeeding as the natural way for infants to be fed.  Breastfeeding is healthy for you and your baby.   We are here to listen and answer any questions or concerns you may have and to support your breastfeeding. Many WIC Nutritionists, are also are Certified Lactation Counselors or (CLC), and can work with you on reaching your breastfeeding goals. 

A CLC is a person who finished a special training program; based on scientific facts.  To get a certificate the person must pass a test and show she can give moms safe and correct breastfeeding support and information.

What to Expect When You Come to WIC?

By breastfeeding, you are providing all your baby‘s needs for food.  WIC gives you extra support and WIC foods to make sure you are confident, successful and to thank you.  All breastfeeding moms can get WIC services for up to one year after they have their baby.  Some benefits are basic breastfeeding support, referrals for more breastfeeding care and healthy foods. 

WIC staff may refer you to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) or back to your doctor or health care provider for more skilled breastfeeding support.  An IBCLC is a person who is an expert in medical lactation issues.  She has passed a worldwide test, must keep up with new science and has many hours of experience helping moms and babies breastfeed well.

If you choose to exclusively (only give breast milk) breastfeed your baby, you’ll receive the largest food package WIC has to offer.  The foods listed on your Family Benefits List-canned fish, extra beans or peanut butter and more money for fruits and vegetables, were chosen to give breastfeeding women healthy choices from all of the food groups. 

When you come to appointments, we will ask you for information on your health and eating habits, blood work results, and an updated weight from your postpartum checkup.   

Your WIC nutritionist uses the information to:

©       Listen to your concerns and questions about your baby’s feeding schedule and your


©       Offer breastfeeding support that fits into your life and schedule.

©       Ensure you’re receiving ongoing healthcare.

©       Work with you, so you can get back to your pre-pregnancy weight and offer you tips

      on healthy ways to reach your weight-loss goal.

©       Present options to you for a plan about (eating, activity or lifestyle) that meets your

      needs and schedule.

©       Offer referrals for groups or programs that may benefit you or your family.

Postpartum Moms

new mom

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!  Joining or sticking with WIC now is a good way to work with WIC’s team of nutrition professionals who are focused on your success as a new mom. We know you are the expert on you and your new baby, but WIC wants to be a trusted source of information to you at this important time in your life.

What to Expect When You Come to WIC?

You can expect us to listen to your hopes and dreams for your new bundle of joy!  We need to know this to serve you better.  As a new mom, you will get free nutrition education and get referrals for other important services and programs for which you may qualify.  By signing up for WIC after you have your baby or staying on the program, you can save money from your food budget, and help your body recover from pregnancy by using your eWIC card to buy healthy foods.  

You will be asked to give information about your health and eating habits, blood test results, and your weight from your postpartum doctor’s visit. (Usually 6 weeks after you have your baby)

Your WIC nutritionist uses the information to:

©     Check in with you to make sure you see and follow up with your doctor for

     preventative and postpartum health care.

©     Give you tailored information on how to get back to your pre-pregnancy or goal weight.

©   Share with you what foods and drinks to choose more often that can give you energy

     during this important rebuilding period.

©   Work with you to identify what foods and lifestyle choices may keep you from meeting

     your goals.

©     Provide support and referrals if you want to stop smoking.

©   Support you as a confident, successful new mom.



To your child you are a HERO!  And we all know heroes have special powers.  We want WIC to be your special power.  We’re glad you are thinking about joining the WIC Program for your child.  WIC is much more than the healthy foods that you receive for your child or children. 

Our WIC staff is here to support your family’s goals towards living healthy and active lives.  The Nutritionists at WIC will check your child’s growth, encourage healthy foods, offer tested recipe ideas and tips to make mealtimes fun.  Staying with WIC until your child turns five years old is worth the time that you will spend.  WIC staff respects you and your choices about feeding your children.

What to Expect When You Come to WIC?

We can’t wait to meet your child!  We are here to serve you as a mom, parent or guardian of a child WIC participant.  We have free nutrition education from trained staff, referrals for other important services and programs that your child may qualify for. eWIC cards are used to buy yummy foods so your child can grow up healthy and become all he can be! 

You will be asked to give WIC staff information on your child’s health and eating habits, blood test results, and recent weights and heights from your child’s routine well-child doctor’s appointments.

Your WIC nutritionist uses the information to:

©     Check in with you to ensure your child visits their doctor for regulary scheduled physicalsDiscuss with you how your child is growing and address any concerns you may have.Share information with you on how to keep your child healthy and safe from diet related problems.

©    Support your choice to feed your child a variety of foods that provide good nutrition to

     help them grow normally. 


Some ways in which WIC staff can support you with common child feeding issues are:

©      Listen and work with you, during your child’s main developmental year.  Remember, it's important to enjoy each other while sharing family meals.  WIC can give you options of

      how to keep meal times relaxed to feed the body and help your family make stronger

      bonds. From the healthy choices you offer, let your little ones pick which foods to put

      on their plates and how much to eat.

At WIC we know there’s no power like mom power.  We believe you are a positive influence in your children’s lives.  Your WIC Nutritionist can work with you so you can develop healthy eating habits for life for your kids.  Use the WIC checks to offer your 2 -5 year old fat free or low-fat (1%) milk.

Happy Kids, Happy Tummy.  Your WIC Nutritionist can talk with you about simple ways to help your kids eat more whole grains.  Your WIC checks can help you serve your little ones whole grain versions of their favorite bread, cereal or rice.  And, eating more whole grains that are higher in fiber can make potty time easier, too.

You are your child’s first teacher.  They learn from watching you. Eat fruits and veggies and your kids will too.  Your WIC nutritionist can offer easy, tasty recipes to add more color to your family meals.  Ask us how to use your eWIC card to buy fresh, local produce.