Formula Resources


Please also see Medical Providers page for more information on WIC Formulas. 


Although Medicaid is the first payor for dually enrolled participants, the Connecticut WIC Program has comparable products available for participants that require this type of formula on the Approved Contract and Specialized Formulas-Medical Food Listing found below.  




Formula Resources

As of October 1, 2021, the Connecticut WIC Program renewed its sole-source contract with Abbott Laboratories® and provides Similac® Advance® or Similac® Isomil® Soy for healthy infants from birth to twelve months of age; whose mothers choose not to breastfeed or partially breastfeed or for whom breastfeeding is medically contraindicated.


WIC also provides alternative Abbott Laboratories® standard formulas including Similac Sensitive® and Similac Total Comfort®.  Both formulas provide 20 kcal/ fl. oz at standard dilution.  


Effective December 1, 2022, Similac for Spit-Up® has been discontinued by the manufacturer and will no longer be available through the Connecticut WIC Program.  The Connecticut WIC Program will offer Enfamil AR® for those participants that were prescribed Similac for Spit-Up®. Enfamil AR® will require an ICD-10 code and medical documentation from the health care provider.

WIC can also provide women, infants and children NOT dually enrolled in HUSKY/Medicaid and WIC, with special/exempt formulas, such as hypoallergenic, hypercaloric, elemental, and metabolic formulas with an appropriate nutrition related ICD-10 code medical diagnosis. 


This page provides Connecticut WIC staff with formula resources in one place.  Resources posted to this page are intended for State and local agency staff only.  Additional information on Connecticut WIC Program formula can be found in Section 400 of the State Plan.


Formula Resources: Approved Contract and Specialized Formulas-Medical Food Listing March 2025

Numbered Memos

19-006 Infant Formula Updates

19-007 Infant Formula Updates-Nutramigen Mead Johnson Nutritionals

19-024 Formula Updates Medical Documentation-Issuance Issues Final

21-010 Formula Updates

21-030 Specialized Formula Additions to CT APL

17-022 Changes to CT WIC Program Formulary for Infant Formula and WIC Eligible Medical Foods

Similac formula changes

SPANISH Similac Formula changes


Infant Formulas

Standard Cow's Milk and Soy Formulas

Enfamil A.R. for Spit-Up Formula Information

Hypoallergenic Formulas for Infants 3-2025

Malabsorption Formulas for Infants 1-2025

Preterm Infant Formulas

Human Milk Fortifiers 1-2025

Infant Formula for Mild Intolerance
Children Formulas   
Other Medical Food for Women, Infants and Children

Other Medical Food for Women


Forms and Aids

CT WIC Infant Formula Conversion Guide

Maximum WIC Issuance of Formula

WIC 400-11 Medical Documentation Form Instructions 3-2023

WIC 400-11 Medical Documentation Form - Infants & Children Fillable 2-2023

WIC 400-11 Medical Documentation Form - Women Fillable 2-2023


Additional References

Formula & Medical Nutritionals Presentation May 2021

WIC 400-10 Connecticut WIC Approved Formula and Medical Foods

WIC 400-11 Use of Medical Documentation Form 3-2023


FDA Infant formula safety and preparation      

Spanish Infant formula safety and preparation (La FDA toma el paso final para proteger la fórmula para lactantes)

Updates on non-Connecticut WIC Approved products: periodically, Connecticut receives information about non-Connecticut WIC approved products. This information will be posted here.