The National Food & Nutrition (NATFAN) survey was adapted from the work of the Institute for Texas WIC by the Institute for Obesity Research & Program Evaluation at Texas A&M University, in coordination with the National WIC Association (NWA).
The purpose of the survey was to compare and evaluate the nutritional intake of WIC participants before and after the introduction of the new WIC food package, introduced in the fall of 2009.
Over 70,000 WIC participants in 39 states, 11 Indian Tribal Organizations (ITO), 1 US territory and Washington, D.C. (see NATFAN map ) participated in the survey. In Connecticut, the survey was carried out at all 12 Local WIC Agencies (see Connecticut WIC map), with responses from nearly 2,000 WIC participants – an above-average response rate for the 52 WIC programs surveyed.
Presented here are the results of the survey prior to the food package rollout, administered over the summer of 2009. The post-rollout survey was administered in the summer of 2010; results are expected to be available sometime during 2011. WIC participants could choose to respond to the survey in English or in Spanish; mothers responded on behalf of their children for the infant and child surveys.
Both state and national results for the pre-rollout survey are currently available. Please click on the appropriate link below to access the reports of interest to you.
Connecticut Pre-Rollout Survey Results |
National Pre-Rollout Survey Results |