Manson Youth Institution

Address: 42 Jarvis Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
Manson YI Entrance
Phone: (203) 806-2500
Fax: (203) 699-1845
Security: Level 4
Warden: Michael Pierce                                                                                                 
Deputy Warden:
Tammy Perreault
  Lynnia Johnson

Visiting Information:

Please review the following information before scheduling a visit

Visiting Schedule Manson Youth Institution  Eff. 11/13/2024

Updates:  In-Person Social Visits and Video Visits must be pre-scheduled and a visiting Request Form must be completed.  

Please complete the following form to schedule a visit: Visit Request Form
In-Person Social Visits and Video Visits Are Available by appointment ONLY.
The adult general population inmates are now allowed 2 visits per week to include a maximum of 1 visit per weekend.
The juvenile population will continue to have the opportunity for up to 5 visits weekly to include 1 maximum on the weekend.
In-Person and Video visits are for 1 hour within the scheduled time slot.
Visitors must be on the approved, active visiting list.

Note: An In-Person or Video visit is not scheduled until you receive confirmation from the facility.
Check your junk mail folder for confirmations or emails regarding visits.


Appropriate Attire Required - Rules/Information

Visits are scheduled according to the inmates housing location. If an inmate moves to another housing location, the visit will be cancelled and needs to be rescheduled. It is the inmate’s responsibility to notify the visitor that their visit will need to be rescheduled.

Any individual who attempts to visit a facility will not be accommodated.

For all general visiting information refer to

To contact a school (MYI USD #1) staff member, send an email to:

Population Information:

See data available regarding Connecticut Department of Correction's supervised population.

General Information:

The Manson Youth Institution is a level 4 high-security facility. It serves as the Department's primary location for housing sentenced inmates under the age of 21. Recognizing the need to educate youth, staff provide a climate, which enhances inmate social skills, while reinforcing ethics, attitude and behavior valued by productive law-abiding citizens.

The Manson Youth Institution houses male offenders ranging in age from 14 to 21 in ten separate buildings, each with three wings containing 12 cells, a day room, counselor offices and mini kitchen. As the states' only facility for male youth, it houses chronic disciplinary inmates, close custody program, mental health, high security and general population inmates who are involved in a wide variety of programs including educational, vocational and addiction services.

In response to an increase in young population, a youthful offender mentoring program was established. Emphasis is placed on development of positive peer relationships, understanding criminal culture, substance abuse, basic life skills, employment counseling and release planning.

The facility is named in honor of John R. Manson, the Department's second Commissioner who served from 1971-1983.  He also served as Deputy Commissioner from 1968-1971.

Present staffing: 283.

Listing of the inmate programs available at this facility (PDF, 565 KB).

PREA Auditor's Summary Report (PDF, 383 KB).

PREA Final Report 2018 (PDF, 908 KB).

PREA Final Report 2021

PREA Final Report 2024


The Manson Youth Institution formerly known as the Cheshire Youth Institution opened on October 12, 1982 as a level 4 facility with a population of 360 male offenders, ages 16 to 21 situated on 76 acres.

On September 17, 1985 the facility was rededicated as the John R. Manson Youth Institution in honor of the late Commissioner John R. Manson.

In January of 1986 the facility saw a beginning of doubling of cells, completed on December 1, 1988.

In 1994 a 155,000 square foot H.E.T. (Health Education & Training) building opened, containing 22 classrooms, a library, vocational education programming, a full-sized gymnasium, a chapel, mental health and medical facilities, a full production kitchen, a laundry and a warehouse.

List of past wardens:

1982-1984  James L. Singer
1984-1990  Michael B. Bonzagni
1990-1992  John J. Armstrong
1992-1997  Robert E. Ronne
1997-1999  Evelyn B. Bush
1999-2001  Sandra A. Sawicki
2001-2003  Mary M. Marcial
2003-2006  Moises Gonzalez
2006-2009  Christine Whidden
2009-2011  Jose Feliciano
2011-2018  John Alves
2018-2019  Kenneth Butricks
 Derrick Molden