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National White Collar Crime Center Presents Member Agency Award of Excellence To Connecticut’s Department of Banking
Award presented to the Connecticut Department of Banking’s
Securities and Business Investment Division

October 5, 2010

On September 26, the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) Board of Directors presented the Connecticut Department of Banking’s Securities and Business Investments Division with the Member Agency Award for Excellence for demonstrating great initiative in ensuring that necessary training was provided to the law enforcement members in their state.

The award was presented by West Virginia State Auditor Glen B. Gainer, III, who is Chairman of the NW3C Board of Directors, at the North American Securities Administrators Association’s (NASAA) Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Connecticut Department of Banking’s Securities and Business Investments Division used monies generated from fines incurred by violators of Connecticut Uniform Securities Act and the Connecticut Business Opportunity Investment Act to train law enforcement personnel in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting economic and high-tech crime.  NW3C delivered a wide array of training to the department that otherwise would not have been available.

“Under the direction of Director Ralph Lambiase, the Connecticut Department of Banking’s Securities and Business Investments Division made a strong commitment to ensure that top-notch training was provided to law enforcement agencies throughout their state,” said NW3C Board Chairman Glen B. Gainer.  “Their dedication to this worthy cause and their willingness to use creative means to produce funding at a time when budget shortfalls are a common threat is something that should be considered by state governments throughout the country.”

“Our Division is honored to receive this recognition from the National White Crime Center and is proud to be an ongoing partner with The State of Connecticut’s Police Officer Standards and Training Council and the NW3C in the collaborative program to make available state-of–the-art education to Connecticut law enforcement officers and representatives of regulatory agencies in investigating and prosecuting white collar crime,” commented Securities Division Director Ralph Lambiase.

“In the last several years, the country has become acutely aware of the extent of devastation wrought by white collar crime.  High profile examples include Bernard Madoff and the Bayou Funds.  Although not receiving the same level of notoriety, there are many other lower profiled investment schemes that have parted Connecticut residents from their hard earned monies. Our collective goal is to continue to ferret out such wrongdoing and bring the responsible individuals to justice,” concluded Banking Commissioner Howard Pitkin.

NW3C is comprised of over 3,500 state, local and regulatory law enforcement agencies from across the country.  Each year, the NW3C Board of Directors presents the Member Agency Award for Excellence to one of its member agencies that has demonstrated excellence in the area of investigation, regulatory and/or community achievement to support law enforcement in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of economic and high-tech crime. Funded for over thirty years primarily by the Department of Justice through the Bureau of Justice Assistance, NW3C is a leader in the fight against economic and high-tech crime.  For more information, please visit