Banking Commissioner Takes Part In Bank Supervisors' 
Strategic Planning Session

August 10, 2004

Connecticut Commissioner of Banking John P. Burke took part in the Conference of State Bank Supervisors' (CSBS) Strategic Planning Committee, August 4-5. Burke is a past chairman of the CSBS. The meeting was held to review and update CSBS's strategic plan to address federal and state policies impacting the nation's banking and financial institutions and their customers. Burke was one of nine state bank commissioners participating in the two day meeting, led by Missouri Commissioner of Finance and CSBS Chairman-Elect Eric McClure.

"Through CSBS, state bank regulatory agencies and state-chartered banks continue to champion a system that offers competitive chartering options, and efficient and effective supervision," Burke said. "This meeting solidified CSBS priorities to be addressed in the coming year to ensure the continued viability of state-chartered banks, which comprise 75 percent of the bank charters nationwide."

Issues emerging as priorities from the planning session included increased focus on safety and soundness, economic growth and consumer protection and federal preemption of state authority; innovation and collaboration in supervision and regulation; coordination with and among state and federal regulators; financial support for CSBS activities, enhanced involvement of constituents nationwide, promoting and publicizing CSBS activities; education and training for state bank examiners; and ongoing advocacy of state banking. Specific proposals will be taken to the CSBS Board when it meets in September.