How can the State help our cultural district?
There are no grants specifically for cultural districts, but these state offices and organizations have funding opportunities for artists, organizations, and municipalities:
- Connecticut Office of the Arts
- State Historic Preservation Office
- Connecticut Humanities
- Sustainable CT: Municipalities participating in Sustainable CT can apply for Community Matching Funds. These are one-to-one matching funds for projects that align with Sustainable CT actions and help towns earn points toward Sustainable CT certification.
Marketing and Promotion
Connecticut DECD’s Office of the Arts and Office of Tourism as well as Designated Regional Service Organizations (DRSOs) support the formation, development, and establishment of cultural districts. Their marketing and promotion support includes recognition in/on:
-, Connecticut’s official tourism website
- State tourism brochures and other materials
- Online and print materials by your local DRSO
Other Benefits
Municipalities participating in Sustainable CT receive points for Action Item 3, Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems, if they receive the state Cultural District designation.