Final Report

Read time: 6 minutes

What should I include in my Mahaffey Arts Administration Fellowship final report?

Final Report Instructions

Complete and submit your final report online.

  1. If you are a returning user: Log in. Select “View My Submissions”. Scroll down and click “Create New Submission”. Select “Final Report: For Individuals” from the drop-down menu. Enter name of grantee. Click “Get Started”.
  2. If you are a new user: Create account by clicking “Sign up.” Complete registration page. When you’re on the registration page, be sure to select the category “Final Report: For Individuals” from the drop-down menu. You will receive a confirmation email from FluidReview. Once in FluidReview, click “Create a New Submission.”

You will be asked to provide the following information about your fellowship:

  1. Indicate the COA grant program you are submitting a final report for, and be sure to complete your report based on your funding period.
  2. Grant Number (found on Page 1 of the grant contract)
  3. Grant Award Received
  4. Name of Grantee
  5. Contact Information
    • Mailing Address
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code
    • Telephone (primary)
    • Telephone (secondary – optional)
    • Email
    • Website, if available
  6. Has any of the contact information provided changed?
  7. Narrative: Describe how you used this grant for professional development activities. How did this enhance your career achievement goals? Did this impact your organization? If so, how?
  8. Financial summary/INCOME
    • DECD / COA grant amount
    • Applicant cash, if applicable  Total Cash Income
  9. Budget/EXPENSES
    • Artistic Compensation (self)
    • Administration Fees
    • Outside Professional Development
    • Artist Fees for Performances
    • Technical / Production
    • Supplies
    • Travel
    • Printing / Publicity
    • Facility / Equipment Rental
    • Registration, conference or workshop fees
    • Postage and telephone
    • Other (specify amount here and identify below)
    • Total Cash Expenses

Confirmation Email

You will receive a confirmation email for your records. If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam, junk, or other inboxes.

Elizabeth L Mahaffey Fellowship