The following documents pertaining to the Docket 272 proceeding are listed in the chronological order in which they were filed.

Docket 272 Application Materials 
(to download pdf file versions from Northeast Utilities website)

Docket 272 Application - Zip Files

Letter to State Treasurer

Durham/Wallingford Interrogatories - Set 1

Applicant's Supplemental Filing
         - Highway Corridor Study-Revisedy
         - East Devon - Beseck 40-mile Cable Option
            Harmonic Study
         - East Devon - Beseck 20-mile Cable Option
            Harmonic Study

         - Cable Transient & Harmonic Feasibility Study
            Final Report

                  (Appendices to Final Report available 
                     upon request)

Attorney-General Interrogatories - Set One

Applicant's Memorandum re Eminent Domain

Durham/Wallingford Motion to Compel Discovery

Applicant's Response to Durham/Wallingford Interrogatories - 1/2/04

Additional Applicant Responses to Durham/Wallingford Interrogatories - 1/6/04s

Applicant Responses to D/W Interrogatories - Set One (1-7-04)

Applicant Bulk Filed Response to D/W Interrogatory - Q 014:
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Study

Attachments to Applicant Response to D/W Interrogatory No. 31

Addendum #1 to Applicant's Supplemental Filing

Applicant's Letter Re Docket Schedule

Applicant Responses to Attorney-General Interrogatories 1/9/04

Applicant Responses to Attorney-General Interrogatories 1/12/04

Attorney-General Interrogatories - Set Two

Joel N. Gordes Statement of Limited Appearance

Durham/Wallingford Interrogatories - Set Two

Addendum #1 to Applicant's Supplemental Filing - Revised 1/28/04

All Towns Interrogatories - Set One

Addendum #2 to Applicant's Supplemental Filing

Addendum #2 - Attachment 1, East Shore 345 kV Alternative

Addendum #2 - Attachment 3, East Shore Line Reconductor

Addendum #2 - Attachment 4, East Shore Alternative

Office of Consumer Counsel (OCC) Interrogatories - Set One

PSEG Interrogatories

All Towns Interrogatories - Set Two

All Towns' Interrogatories - Set Three

Applicant Responses to OCC Interrogatories

Plumtree - Norwalk Project Final Report, Rev. 3

Addendum #3 to Applicant's Supplemental Filing

Addendum #3 - Attachment 1: Comparison Study: Middletown to Norwalk Project vs. East Shore Alternative

Addendum #3 - Attachment 2: East Shore Alternative - Transmission Loading and Voltage Analysis

Addendum #3 - Attachment 3: East Shore Alternative - 387 Line Reconductored

Applicant's Information on Property Rights Needed

Applicant Responses to D/W Interrogatories - Filed 3/2/04

Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories - 3/3/04s

Switching Transient Study Draft Report

NU Phase 2 Final Report

Letter from Stephen Lambert

All Towns Interrogatories: Motion to Compel Discovery

Applicant Responses to PSEG Interrogatories

CL&P/UI Conceptual State Agreement

Milford Power Plant System Impact Study

Additional Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories - 3/8/04s

ISO Southwest CT Electric Reliability Study - Vol. I
   (Appendices to this Study available upon request)

Harmonics Tutorial for Southwest CT Electric Reliability Study

Additional Applicant Response to All Towns Interrogatories - 4/2/04

Applicants' Errata Pages for Hearings Held 3/23-25/04

All Towns Interrogatories - Set Six

All Towns Interrogatories for ISO-New England

Additional Applicant Response to All Towns Interrogatories (Bulk Filing) - 4/6/04

Bulk Filing - Harmonic Study for East Shore Alternatives

Woodbridge/Milford Interrogatories - Set One

Dr. Cole letter re EMF studies

Town of Milford Interrogatories

Definition of "East Shore"

ConnDOT motion for time extension

Applicants' letter re ConnDOT motion

CT Department of Public Health Comments on EMF

Applicants' Response to Council Interrogatories (Set Two) - 4-15-04

Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories (Set One, Set Five, Set Six) - 4-15-04

Applicants' Responses to SCCRWA Interrogatories - 4-16-04

ISO Response 2a to All Towns Interrogatories - Cable Flows and Rating

ISO Response 2b to All Towns Interrogatories - Devon Reactor

ISO Response 2c to All Towns Interrogatories - Grand Summary Results

ISO Response 2d to All Towns Interrogatories - NE-NY Transfer

ISO Response 2e to All Towns Interrogatories - NE-NY 1000MW

ISO Response 2f to All Towns Interrogatories - NE-NY Cable

ISO Response 2g to All Towns Interrogatories - Besseck-Devon Off

ISO Response 2h to All Towns Interrogatories - Besseck-Devon On

Henry Harris (ConnDOT) Testimony re Railroad Alternatives

Arthur Gruhn (ConnDOT) Testimony re Applicant Proposals

ConnDOT Policy on Utilities in Rights-of-Way

Applicant Responses to Council Interrogatories Sets One and Two - 4/19/04

Errata Pages for Applicants' Witnesses Testimony of 4/20/04

City of Bridgeport Letter re Applicants' Plans

Applicants' EMF Interrogatories for Jewish Community Organizations

Applicant Responses to Council Interrogatories, Sets One and Two - 4/21/04

Attorney General's letter re EMF inquiry to NYSDOH

NYDSOH Response to Attorney General's EMF Inquiry

Supplemental Testimony of Henry Harris

ConnDOT - CL&P Transmission Line Agreement

ConnDOT/UI Transmission Line Agreement for New Haven Rail Line

Correspondence from Town of Westport

Comments and Recommendations from Fairfield County communities

Norwalk Planning Commission Resolution

Applicant Responses to Council Interrogatories (Set Two) - 4/27/04

Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories (Set Six) - 4-30-04

NEPOOL Operating Procedure No. 12

Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Bailey re EMF impacts at Jewish facilities in Woodbridge

Supplemental Testimony of Robert Carberry and Kathleen Shanley Re State EMF Policies

Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Bailey Re EMF

Applicant Request to take Administrative Notice of State Agency EMF-Related web sites

Correspondence re Natural Diversity Database

Applicant Response to CSC Inquiry re EMF levels

Applicant Responses to Council Interrogatories (Set Two) - 5/7/04

Applicant Response to Milford Interrogatories - 5/7/04

Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories (Set Five) - 5/7/04

Woodbridge/Milford motion to add hearing dates

All Towns motion to reschedule certain filing dates

Applicant Response to Counci Interrogatories (Set Two) - 5/10/04

Applicant Response to Milford Interrogatories - 5/10/04

Attorney General's Letter of Support for Woodbridge/Milford and All Towns motions

Applicant's Errata Filing for May 12 Hearing

Applicant Responses to W/M Interrogatories 5/13/04

Applicant Response to Milford Interrogatories 5/13/04

Attorney-General Interrogatories - Set Three

Applicant Responses to Council Interrogatories (Set Two) - 5/18/04

Orange Reponse to Route 15 Alternative

Woodbridge Comments re Route 15 Alternative

NU/UI Review of West Rock Tunnel Crossing

2002 New England Electric Load Duration Graph

Jewish Organizations' Responses to Interrogatories - List of Witnesses

Applicant Responses to All Towns Interrogatories (Set Six) - 5-24-04

Attorney General's Motion Re H.B. 5418

All Towns Interrogatories - Set Seven

All Towns Responses to Applicant Interrogatories

Milford Mayor Letter re Alternative Routes

Land-Tech Consultants Pre-Filed Testimony on behalf of Milford

Milford Responses to Applicant Interrogatories

Marc Montalvo Supplemental Testimony for OCC

Exhibit 1 of Montalvo Testimony

Exhibit 2 of Montalvo Testimony

Exhibit 3 of Montalvo Testimony

Torben Aabo Testimony for OCC

Exhibit for Aabo Testimony

Schlissel-Lanzalotto Testimony for All Towns

City of Bridgeport Testimony re Alternate Overhead Route along Railroad ROW

Applicant: Testimony of Roger Zaklukiewicz, Anne Bartosewicz, John Prete, Cyril Welter, James Hogan re East Shore route

Applicant: Beseck to East Devon Route Maps

Applicant: Beseck to East Shore Route Maps

Applicant: East Shore to East Devon Route Maps

Applicant Testimony re Routing and Environmental Matters between Scovill Rock and East Devon
   Figure for Page 11

Land-Tech Consultants Testimony for Woodbridge

Ecological Impacts Assessment for Route through Woodbridge

Appendix to Woodbridge Impacts Assessment

Woodbridge Supplement to Consultant Testimony

Woodbridge Responses to Applicant Interrogatories

Testimony of Arthur Gruhn, ConnDOT, re Segments 3 & 4

Correspondence re Blackite Site in Milford

New Haven Harbor to East Devon Marine Route Review

Blackite Letter re testing access

Cover Letter re EMF Levels Along ROW

Chart of Structures Along ROW with 3-6 mG EMF levels

Applicant Responses to Woodbridge-Milford Interrogatories 5-28-04

EMF Mitigation Options for Cross Sections 1-8
(See revision below)

Applicant Responses to Interrogatories from Durham/Wallingford and All Towns

Route Analysis and Selection - Segments 1 & 2, pgs. 1-20
Route Analysis and Selection - Segments 1 & 2, pgs. 21-39
Route Analysis and Selection - Segments 1 & 2, pgs. 40-59
Route Analysis and Selection - Segments 1&2, pgs. 60-76

Applicant's Errata Pages for June 2 Public Hearing

Route Analysis: Beseck to East Devon via East Shore, pgs. 1-20
Route Analysis: Beseck to East Devon via East Shore, pags. 21-40

Black Pond Presentation

Applicant "Homework Assignment" re Proposed Route and East Shore Route & Errata Page for East Shore Presentation made 6/2/04

Siting Council Interrogatories - Set Three, 6/7/04

Modeling Studies of Generation Units out of service:
      *to obtain a CD with the appendices and other files related 
      to these reports, interested parties may contact the 
      Siting Council*
Updated Aerial Maps - 07/26/04:
Map 1
Map 2
Connecticut Cable Resonance Studies for Middletown to Norwalk Project:
Reliability and Operability Committee (ROC) Report:
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
ConnDot Material Re Segments 3 and 4 Preferred Routing:

Revised Buffer Zone Maps for Overhead Segments (structures within 300' circled)
2/14/05 Technical Session Support Materials:
2/14/05 Technical Session Reports:
KEMA Engineering Summary
Applicant/ISO-New England:
Proposed Findings of Fact:
Milford Proposed Findings of Fact
OCC Proposed Findings of Fact
Attorney General Proposed Findings of Fact
Middletown Proposed Findings of Fact
Wilsons' Proposed Findings of Fact
PSEG Memo re Proposed Findings of Fact
PSEG Proposed Findings of Fact
Middlefield Proposed Findings of Fact
ISO Proposed Findings of Fact
Weston, Wilton, Fairfield Proposed Findings of Fact
Ezra Academy et al Proposed Findings of Fact
Woodbridge, Cheshire, Durham, Milford, Wallingford Proposed Findings of Fact
Durham/Wallingford Proposed Supplemental Findings of Fact
Woodbridge Proposed Findings of Fact
CL&P/UI Proposed Findings of Fact, Part 1
CL&P/UI Proposed Findings of Fact, Part 2
CL&P/UI Proposed Findings of Fact, Part 3
CL&P/UI Proposed Findings of Fact, Part 4
CDOT Proposed Findings of Fact
CDOT Brief re Transmission Lines in State ROWs
Orange Proposed Findings of Fact