PETITION NO. 1348 - Safari Energy, LLC, as agent for West Farms Mall, LLC, petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 2.019-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located at West Farms Mall, 1500 New Britain Avenue, West Hartford and 500 South Road, Farmington, Connecticut.
PETITION FILING (Received 8/8/18)
Exhibit A - Facility Layout
Exhibit B - Zoning Maps
Exhibit C - Existing Conditions Survey and ALTA Survey
Exhibit D - Street Views (from Site Perimeter and Canopy Location)
Exhibit E - Sketch of Rooftop Equipment
Exhibit F - Visibility of Solar Rooftop Equipment
Exhibit G - Structural Drawings of Solar Parking Canopies
Exhibit H - Lighting Plan for Solar Parking Canopies
Exhibit I - Perviousness of Solar Parking Canopies
Exhibit J - Inspection Form
Exhibit K - Tree Removal Plan
Exhibit L - Flood Zone Maps
Exhibit M - Aquifer Map
Exhibit N - Wetlands Map
Exhibit O - NDDB Map
Exhibit P - Operations Plan
Exhibit Q - Contingent Approval from Eversource
Exhibit R - Impact Study Report
Exhibit S - Equipment Specifications Sheets
Exhibit T - Notices
Council's Response to Petitioner's Minor Change Request, 11/9/18
Council Status Update Letter, 11/15/24
Council Status Update Letter, 11/15/24