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DAS and OPM - Waivers of the Bid Process
Connecticut General Statute Section 4a-58 requires that the Department of Administrative Services post a listing of all contracts that were entered into as a result of a waiver of the competitive process.
DAS Procurement Agency Informational Resources
The DAS Procurement Division is charged with the purchase, lease or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by any state agency. In carrying out these tasks, DAS administers contracts through fair, open, competitive sourcing processes.
DAS Procurement Agency Informational Resources
The DAS Procurement Division is charged with the purchase, lease or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by any state agency. In carrying out these tasks, DAS administers contracts through fair, open, competitive sourcing processes.
DAS Procurement Agency Procurement Manual
The state government contracting process and procedures must be open, honest, fair and accessible at all times with competition being the backbone to the public procurement process.
DAS Procurement Commodity-Industry Codes
When searching for business opportunities (current solicitations or contracts), DAS offers a field called “Industry Code”.
DAS Procurement Commodity-Industry Codes
When searching for business opportunities (current solicitations or contracts), DAS offers a field called “Industry Code”.
DAS Procurement Contract Extension Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 4a-59a
Connecticut General Statute 4a-59a(c) requires that the Department of Administrative Services post an explanation of all contracts extended in accordance with CGS 4a-59a(b).
DAS Procurement Contract Template for Agencies
Through the authority delegated to executive branch state agencies under General Letter #71, certain purchases of goods and services costing less than $50,000 may be made without prior and specific approval of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) provided that a DAS contract does not exist for the goods and/or services being acquired.
DAS Procurement Contract Template for Agencies
Through the authority delegated to executive branch state agencies under General Letter #71, certain purchases of goods and services costing less than $50,000 may be made without prior and specific approval of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) provided that a DAS contract does not exist for the goods and/or services being acquired.
DAS Procurement Contracting: An Overview
The Department of Administrative Services/Procurement Division (DAS) is charged with the purchasing, leasing and contracting for products and services for State of Connecticut executive branch agencies, including information system and telecommunication system facilities, equipment and services.
DAS Procurement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program Information
Welcome to Connecticut’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program home page. Environmentally Preferable Products are products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose.
DAS Procurement Fuel and Dairy Contract Pricing
The DAS/Procurement Division utilizes market indices for several of our key contracts, including the fuel contracts and dairy contracts.
DAS Procurement Services for Municipalities
Whether you are a local government, school or not-for-profit organization, most likely your number one goal is to deliver high quality products and services at the best possible price.
DAS Procurement State Contracting Portal for Contracts
In an effort to ensure all state contracting opportunities are easy to find and accessible by the Supplier community, the State Contracting Portal was developed to create a single location for all Connecticut executive branch government state contracting opportunities.
DAS Procurement State Contracts and Master Agreements for Agencies Municipalities Non-Profits
The State Contracting Portal enables State Agencies, Municipalities and Certain Non-Profit Organizations to search for state solicitations, contracts, master agreements, and vendor information.