Barber or Hairdresser School Approval, Change of Location/Ownership
Pursuant to Section 10-22b, Connecticut General Statutes, all barber/hairdresser schools must obtain a certificate of
authorization from the Officeof Higher Education and the Connecticut
Board of Examiners for Hairdressers, Barbers and Cosmeticians prior to offering instruction to students intending to sit
for the licensure examination and receiving a license as a barber or
hairdresser. Vocational Technical Schools and programs offered through the
Department of Corrections are exempt from this requirement.
A new school, a school that wants to change its
location or a school that is being sold, the owner shall notify the Department
of Public Health in writing of his/her intent at least 120 days prior to the
scheduled date on which the school proposes to begin instruction, move or change
The barber school curriculum or
hairdresser school curriculum
to be used in the school’s instructional program shall be submitted with the
letter of intent along with a list of instructors that includes their barber
and/or hairdresser license number(s) and documentation that each instructor is
at least 18 years of age, holds a high school diploma or equivalent, holds a
current license as a hairdresser or barber in good standing in Connecticut, and
has at least 2 years of licensed work experience as a barber or hairdresser as
appropriate to the type of school.
The Department will conduct a review of the
school’s curriculum. Results of the Department’s review will be reported in
writing to the school owner.
Upon a determination that the school’s curriculum
and instructors meets the requirements, the Department will schedule an on-site
inspection of the school to evaluate its sanitary condition in accordance with
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 20-241 and 20-262 and will notify the
school owner of the inspection date and time. Please select this link for the inspection form.
Copies of the following documents shall be
provided to the Department by the school prior to the on-site inspection:
- A hairdresser or barber curriculum (or both if applicable);
- Local fire marshal's inspection report;
- Floor plan;
- Admission application;
- School rules and regulations;
- Policies governing tuitions, fees, refunds and contracts;
- School catalog;
- Files of any students to be enrolled in the school, if applicable; and
- Affidavit of hours completed for any transfer students to be enrolled in the school.
Please submit ALL required documents in PDF
format by email directly to
Once all documents are on file and the inspection
has been completed, Department staff will present the results of its review of
the school to the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board’s
approval or disapproval will be documented in the Board minutes, along with the
Department’s feedback to the Board on the Department’s consent to the approval
Approval will be issued in writing by the
Department. An effective date of the school’s approval will be specified.