Environmental Practitioner Licensure
The Environmental Practitioner Licensure Program certifies, licenses and regulates environmental health professionals in the Asbestos, Lead, Septic, and Sanitarian disciplines. These licensed professionals protect human health and the environment by operating within the constraints of the regulations and using “state-of-the-art” practices. The Program's main charge is the management and enforcement of the assorted licensing regulations for environmental health practitioners and training providers.
This office does not meet with visitors who do not have a scheduled appointment. A drop-box is available at the 1st floor security desk at 410 Capitol Avenue should individuals wish to submit applications, fees or any other documents. It is strongly recommended that all applications be submitted via U.S. Mail. Cash is not accepted.
Click on topic below for more information
Asbestos Licensing |
Lead Licensing |
Lead Certification |
Registered Sanitarian |
Subsurface Sewage |
Training Provider Certification |
Statutes and Regulations |
To Contact Us |
To verify the status of a CT license or certification, please visit the State of Connecticut’s eLicense website
General Licensing Policies - A license is renewed annually and begins in your birth month following issuance – even if it is in the same year.
Renewal Information: For information about renewing an existing credential, please visit the Practitioner Licensing and Investigations Section’s Renewal Program website or email your renewal questions to oplc.dph@ct.gov.
Request Renewal Application Form
Licensing Reciprocity:
Connecticut laws now allow environmental professionals to apply for licensing reciprocity. To apply for licensing reciprocity for any of the environmental practitioner licensing credentials, please submit the appropriate application with fee and include the following items with your application:
1) A statement that you are seeking licensing reciprocity from (the state you are currently licensed in).
2) A copy of your current state’s license for the license type for which you are seeking reciprocity in CT.
3) Copies of your licenses or other documentation to demonstrate you have been licensed for not less than four (4) years. To be eligible for reciprocity licensing, the person must have practiced under such license, permit, certification or registration for not less than four years.
Asbestos Licensing
Asbestos Abatement Worker and Supervisor: An asbestos abatement worker or supervisor is any abatement worker employed by a licensed asbestos contractor who has been specifically trained as a worker or supervisor in the appropriate asbestos training program and who has been issued a certificate by the department.
Please note: Supervisor training cannot be used for a worker license.
Asbestos Contractor
To register your business go the Secretary of the State's Business Services Division
Asbestos Consultants
Asbestos Inspector: Certification as an inspector authorizes a licensed asbestos consultant to review facilities' records and perform visual inspection or surveillance of facilities; to identify, document or inventory materials suspected of containing asbestos; to collect bulk samples for asbestos analysis and to provide direct supervision to non-certified individuals collecting bulk samples. A person does not need to be certified as an inspector to perform visual observations of an area that previously has been identified as containing interior ACM or that previously has been assigned to contain interior ACM and that is being inspected to identify changes in the physical condition of that interior ACM. However, no touching or taking of samples is permitted without a certificate as an inspector. A person who conducts a visual inspection to determine whether a response action is complete shall be certified as a project monitor.
Asbestos Project Monitor: Certification as a project monitor authorizes a licensed asbestos consultant to function in the capacity of on-site representative of the facility owner or other persons, interpret project specifications or abatement management plans, monitor and evaluate contractor or employee compliance with applicable regulations or specifications and ensure that abatement projects are properly conducted and completed. The project monitor shall not also function as the asbestos contractor or as an employee of the asbestos contractor on the same asbestos abatement project for which he is the project monitor.
Asbestos Inspector or Project Monitor Application
Verification of Experience - Inspector/Monitor
Asbestos Project Designer: Certification as a project designer authorizes licensed asbestos consultant to apply knowledge of facility construction, design and development of abatement projects; abatement specifications; bidding documents; architectural drawings; and schematic representations of material locations. Project designers may also determine how asbestos abatement should be conducted.
Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner: Certification as a management planner authorizes a licensed asbestos consultant to utilize information developed from facility inspections to assess potential hazards of ACM; to develop abatement response actions, operations and maintenance plans; to select and recommend abatement actions; and, to perform duties within the scope of certification as an inspector.
Asbestos Project Designer or Inspector/Management Planner Application
Verification of Experience - Planner/Designer
List of Connecticut Asbestos Training Providers
2023_ CT Approved Asbestos Training Providers
Lead Licensing
Lead Abatement Contractor
The Lead Abatement Contractor License is for companies that perform lead hazard reduction by means of abatement. You must utilize Connecticut Department of Public Health certified lead abatement supervisors to oversee such lead abatement activities and certified lead abatement workers to perform such abatement activities.
Lead Abatement Contractor License Application
Lead Consultant Contractor
The Lead Consultant Contractor License is for companies that perform lead hazard reduction consultation work. You must utilize Connecticut Department of Public Health certified lead inspectors, lead inspector risk assessors and/or lead planner-project designers.
Lead Consultant Contractor License Application*
*Initial applications for Lead Abatement Contractor and Lead Consultant Contractor are completed online.
If your CT Lead Contractor or Lead Consultant license has lapsed due to non-renewal, you must complete a reinstatement application to reactivate.
Lead Contractor Reinstatement Application
Lead Inspector certification is for any person who performs inspections solely for the purpose of determining the presence of lead-based paint and surface coverings and lead in soil, dust and drinking water through the use of on-site testing including, but not limited to, x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis with portable analytic instruments, and the collection of samples for laboratory analysis and who collects information designed to assess the level of risk.
Lead Inspector Risk Assessor certification is for any person who (A) performs (i) lead inspection risk assessment for the purpose of determining the presence, type, severity and location of lead-based paint hazards, including lead hazards in paint, dust, drinking water and soil, through the use, but not limited to, XRF analysis wit portable instruments, and (ii) the collection of samples for laboratory analysis, and (B) provides suggested ways to control any identified lead hazards.
Lead Planner Project Designer certification is for any person who designs lead abatement and management activities.
Anyone holding these certifications must be employed by a Lead Consultant Contractor who holds a valid license from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Verification of Experience Form - Lead
Lead Abatement Supervisor Certification: This certification is for individuals who oversees lead abatement activities. You must complete an appropriate Connecticut-approved training course, a third party exam, and obtain a certificate as a lead abatement supervisor from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Lead Abatement Worker Certification: This certification is for individuals who perform lead abatement activities. You must complete an appropriate Connecticut-approved training course and obtain a certificate as a lead abatement worker from the Connecticut Department of Public Health. You must be employed by a licensed Lead Abatement Contractor.
Please note: Supervisor training cannot be used for a worker credential.
List of Connecticut-Approved Lead Training Providers
Please note: Lead consultants, supervisors and workers must complete the appropriate CT DPH-approved initial training course.
Connecticut-Approved Lead Training Courses
Registered Sanitarian
A Registered Sanitarian (RS) is a person trained in environmental health who is qualified to carry out educational and investigational duties in the fields of environmental health such as investigation of air, water, sewage, foodstuffs, housing and refuse by observing, sampling, testing and reporting and who is licensed pursuant to section 20-361.
Verification of Experience form RS
Exam information
CT DPH determines a candidate’s eligibility to sit for the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) exam at a testing center. The NEHA REHS/RS exam cannot be purchased or scheduled without approval from CT DPH. You must complete the CT DPH Registered Sanitarian application to obtain such approval.
Southern CT State University (SCSU) offers an optional training course for applicants interested in becoming Registered Sanitarians. The course starts in January of every year. For more information please contact SCSU:
SCSU Environmental Health Training Program
Subsurface Sewage - Environmental Engineering
***Please read all examination information carefully. The application has to include an applicant's legal name as it appears on their photo identification.***
Please submit a Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Installer or Cleaner exam application with any supporting documentation to the Department of Public Health (DPH) to determine examination eligibility. DPH will issue an approval letter to qualified applicants with detailed instructions on how to schedule for either of the exams, which are now being held year-round at a third-party testing center (PSI) with multiple locations available in the CT area. Please note that a DPH approval letter is required to schedule an exam appointment, and to sit for the scheduled exam at the PSI testing facility.
Before submitting an application to DPH, please read the exam information document for important information regarding PSI examination fees.
Subsurface Sewage Installer: Subsurface sewage disposal system installer is any person offering to the general public services of construction, installation, repairing, cleaning or servicing subsurface sewage disposal systems pursuant to section 20-341e;
- Installer License Application
- Verification of Experience Form
- Verification of Subsurface Sewage Installer Licensure Form (As of October 1, 2022: Use this form for licensure reciprocity. You must be credentialed in another jurisdiction for a period not less than 4 years to receive reciprocity. If you have not been licensed in another jurisdiction for 4 years, you must complete the verification of experience forms.)
- Installer Exam Information* NEW (2/21/2025)
- Installer Examination Attachment Tables Hard copy provided at test center.
Subsurface Sewage Cleaner: Subsurface Sewage Cleaner certification is for any person offering to the general public services of cleaning or servicing subsurface sewage disposal systems pursuant to section 20-341e; (3).
Subsurface Sewage Training Course
*The CT Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (COWRA) offers an optional Subsurface Sewage Installer and Cleaner exam preparation course. For more information visit: CT Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association. (COWRA)
Training Provider State Certification
There are two parts to the certification process, company certification and individual training course approvals. The company certification is an online application, and the training course application is a paper application. The company application will be processed concurrent with at least one training course application. Please refer to the applications for specific details/requirements. Asbestos training course approvals expire after one year. Lead training course approvals expire after three years.
Asbestos Training Provider Application
Asbestos Training Course Application
Lead Training Provider Application
Lead Training Course Application
Training Provider Forms
The CT credentialed Training Provider shall notify the Department of courses scheduled at least 10 days prior to the starting date for the course.
The CT credentialed Training Provider shall submit a Course Completion List to the Department within 30 days of the conclusion of the course.
The CT credentialed Training Provider shall request in advance any change in training venue.
- Asbestos Licensure Regulations (§20-440-1 through §20-441-9)
- Lead Licensure Statutes (§20-474 through §20-478)
- Lead Licensure Regulations (§20-478-1 through 20-478-3)
- Standards for Lead Training Course Approval
- Subsurface Sewage Licensure Statutes (§20-341a through §20-341m)
- Sanitarian Licensure Statutes (§20-358 through §20-366)
- Evaluation of Candidates with Previous Licensure Regulations (§19a-14-1 through §19a-14-5)
To contact us about questions about initial licensure or the reinstatement of a lapsed credential, please email: DPH.EHLicensing@ct.gov or call 860-509-7559.