Construction and Demolition Materials Management

Construction and demolition waste (C&D) is managed like other solid waste in that a general solid waste management hierarchy is followed. In the hierarchy of solid waste management methods, source reduction and recycling get the highest priority, and disposal at landfills and incinerators are the least preferred options.
C&D is usually managed as a single waste stream, however, in the state of Connecticut, this material is categorized and regulated as a distinct type of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the materials from demolition and deconstruction activities are a type of ‘bulky waste’.
The state's goal is to increase the amount of C&D materials we recover for reuse and recycling. Toward that end, some C&D materials may qualify for a "beneficial use determination" (BUD), in which solid waste is reused in a manufacturing process to make a new product or as an effective substitute for materials used in a commercial product. For example, residential asphalt roofing shingles can be ground and used as paving products, or gypsum wallboard from new construction can be ground and used as an agricultural soil amendment.
Learn more about construction and demolition waste management goals in the State Solid Waste Management Plan.
Related Topics
Permits & Licenses
Information Resources for Contractors in the Construction Trades
Disposal of Building Materials Coated With Lead-Based Paint
Management and Disposal of Lead-Contaminated Materials
Illegal Dumping
Brush and Stump Management
Contaminated Soil and Sediment Staging and Transfer General Permit
Remediation Site Cleanup
Remediation Waste
Disaster Debris Management Preparedness
"Red Flag" List: C&D Information for Local Officials
Reuse, Recycling & Disposal Options for C & D
Whether you are a construction, deconstruction or demolition contractor, you have options for how to manage materials generated at your job site. Develop a waste management plan to help you recover more materials through reuse and recycling. Use the resources below to better understand the options for reuse, recycling and disposal.
Small contractors and homeowners engaging in remodeling projects should be sure to check with their municipal recycling coordinator for proper disposal of C&D debris. A community’s town transfer station may have designated drop-off locations for the various types of C&D and bulky waste.
Reuse Options
A Guide to Local Building Materials Reuse Centers in CT (CT Materials Reuse Network/DEEP)
Reuse Centers and Materials Exchanges (CT DEEP)
Directory of Wood-Framed Building Deconstruction and Reused Building Materials Companies (USDA Forest Service)
Building Materials Reuse Association Directory (BMRA) Contains a listing of businesses and contractors in the reuse and deconstruction industry.
Recycling Options
Asphalt Shingle Recyclers in Connecticut
Ceiling Tile Recycling Program (Armstrong)
Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE)
Brush and Stump Management (CT DEEP)
Aggregate Recycling Facilities (CT DEEP)
Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Facilities and Lamp Brokers
Disposal Options
Most C & D processing facilities in Connecticut recover none to very little materials for recycling. If you are seeking LEED certification or want to ensure your materials are being recovered for recycling, please contact the facility directly.
Construction and Demolition Volume Reduction Plants (CT DEEP)
Active Landfill Sites in Connecticut (CT DEEP)
For questions about recycling and/or reusing construction and demolition debris, or for permit assistance, please call the DEEP Solid Waste Office at (860) 424-3366. For compliance assistance, call toll free at 1-888-424-4193. Business hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except State holidays.
Disclaimer: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) maintains the content on this web site to enhance public access to information and facilitate understanding of waste reduction, reuse and recycling. The DEEP is not recommending these resources over any others and recognizes these represent only a partial listing of resources on this subject.
Content last updated July 19, 2024