The Workers' Compensation Commission

Administering Connecticut's Workers' Compensation System


The Workers' Compensation Commission is the administrative agency created in 1913 by the Connecticut Legislature to administer the state's workers' compensation system.

The Workers’ Compensation Act specifies the agency's duties, which include adjudicating disputes between parties in cases by a board of 16 Administrative Law Judges, approving employer medical care plans and self insurance applications, assisting employers in following the state's safety and health committee regulations, and providing education and rehabilitation services, to name a few.


The agency is comprised of eight District Offices where most compensation hearings are held and a central Office of the Chairman, where the head of the agency and the administrative and appellate units are located.

Each District Office has jurisdiction over a geographical area comprised of a number of Connecticut's 169 cities and towns. The Office of the Chairman is located in Hartford, and includes the agency's appellate body, the Compensation Review Board (CRB), which hears appeals from decisions issued by Administrative Law Judges resulting from lower-level District Office hearings.


You can learn more about the Workers' Compensation Commission and the workers' compensation system it administers by reading our link opens in new browser tab  Information Packet