Civically Engaged Organization - Badge

Civically Engaged Organization Pledge Toolkit     

Social Media Graphics (click images to download):

Are You Session Ready?

Set a reminder to tune in to CT-N to watch Session meetings, debates and votes until it adjourns June 4. Access CT-N from the Connecticut General Assembly home page,, or directly at!

Pledge to post only positive messages


The Connecticut General Assembly is mobile friendly! Search and track bills, find your legislators, and more directly from your cell phone. Easy access to the information you need. Go to any time from your laptop or cell!

CGA - mobile friendly graphic


Do you have insight into certain issues? The deadline to propose bills in Connecticut has passed. But they may not have been written yet. You can contact your legislators with thoughts on how to shape a bill. Now is the time to voice your opinion on topics you know and care about. #CivicEngagement #CTGeneralAssembly #MakeYourVoiceHeard

Pledge to post only positive messages


Stay in the know!  Did you know you can track bills in real-time during the Connecticut General Assembly session? Sign up for bill tracking to follow legislation that matters most to you. Keep an eye on the issues shaping our state.  #BillTracking #CivicEngagement #CTGeneralAssembly #StayInformed

Pledge to post only positive messages


Curious about how laws are made in Connecticut? Dive into the legislative process and stay informed by visiting! From understanding how a bill becomes a law to tracking committee hearings, it’s your one-stop shop for civic engagement. Knowledge is power—get involved today! #CivicEngagement #CTLegislature #LearnTheProcess #StayInformed

Pledge to post only positive messages


In odd years, Connecticut sets a budget for the following two years. Learn about the timeline and process so you can weigh in on what you want to be funded. Go to and click on The State Budget Process to learn more! #CivicEngagement #LearnTheProcess #StayInformed

Pledge to post only positive messages


The Power of Civics

Be an informed and active member of your community!

Pledge to post only positive messages

Help Stop Misinformation

How to Spot Videos Generated by A.I.: Don’t be fooled by videos that have been created by A.I. and are fake! Learn a few tricks to know when you’re watching a fake video. Let’s put a stop to spreading misinformation. Visit for all your trusted election information! #trustedinfo

Learn how to spot A.I. videos - graphic 1     Learn how to spot A.I. videos - graphic 2     Learn how to spot A.I. videos - graphic 3     Learn how to spot A.I. videos - graphic 4

How to Spot Photos Generated by A.I.: A.I. can create some realistic photos. But there are ways to spot a fake! Don’t be misled and don’t spread misinformation. And be sure to visit for all your trusted election information! #trustedinfo

Learn how to spot A.I. photos - graphic 1     Learn how to spot A.I. photos - graphic 2     Learn how to spot A.I. photos - graphic 3     Learn how to spot A.I. photos - graphic 4


Accessible Voting

Accessible Polling PlaceFederal and CT state laws require that polling places be accessible for all voters who want to vote in person. Find out about other voting rights in CT at! #DisabilityVote

Accessible Voting: Accessible Polling Place - graphic


Ballot Marking DevicesBallot marking devices can be used by voters with a disability or anyone who prefers this option to vote. The device allows voters to make choices audibly, by using a touchscreen display, or with a sip/puff attachment. Watch a video to understand this system at! #DisabilityVote

Accessible Voting: Ballot Marking Devices - graphic


Absentee Ballots for Voters with DisabilitiesHaving a disability that prevents you from voting in person is one of six reasons you can apply for an absentee ballot. Learn more at! #DisabilityVote

Accessible Voting: Absentee Ballots for Voters with Disabilities - graphic


Holding Your Place in LineIf you have a disability and can’t stand in line at your polling place, don’t worry! You can ask the moderator to wait in line for you while or you can ask to be moved to the front of the line. Learn more to advocate for yourself at! #DisabilityVote

Are you affiliated


Assistance Filling Out the BallotDo you need help filling out your ballot because you have a disability? No problem, you can choose someone to help you! Some people are not allowed to help you such as your boss. Find out all the details of who can and can’t assist you at #DisabilityVote

Accessible Voting: Assistance Filling Out the Ballot - graphic 


Voter Education:

Early Voting Logo - Horizontal

Brochures to Print, Post or Email (click images to download):

Your Say. Your Day. Early Voting allows you to vote in person safely and securely before Election Day. To learn how to vote early, click the images below to download educational brochures, or visit for more information about elections in Connecticut.

Early Voting: General Election - November 5, 2024

SOTS Civics Education Flyer - English Color Thumbnail


SOTS Civics Education Flyer - English BW Thumbnail



Early Voting Social Media Posts (click images to download):

What is Early Voting?

Early Voting is coming to CT this year! Are you ready? Go to for all you need to know about Early Voting. #earlyvoting

What is Early Voting - Graphic 1

The First Election with Early Voting

If you are affiliated with a party, you can vote in the Presidential Preference Primary. Make sure you know when and where to vote! Visit for all you need to know about elections in CT. 

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

How are Ballots Counted?

Early Voting will work differently than Election Day voting. Make sure you know the facts! Visit the Early Voting page on for all the info. #earlyvoting

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

Early Voting versus Absentee Ballots

Don’t be confused. Early Voting is not the same as voting by Absentee Ballots. Learn the difference at #earlyvoting

 Early Voting versus Absentee Ballots - Graphic Download 1     Early Voting versus Absentee Ballots - Graphic Download 2

Early Voting Locations

Early Voting locations are announced shortly before each election. Be sure you know where to go! Visit to find the location in your town. #earlyvoting 

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

Early Voting on Weekends

Weekdays can be busy with work and life! Don’t worry, Early Voting includes Saturday and Sunday for most elections. Visit for Early Voting dates and times. #earlyvoting  

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

Other States with Early Voting

Did you know Early Voting has been occurring in other states for decades? It may be new to CT, but it’s not a new concept. Be sure you’re ready for Early Voting by going to for all the facts. #earlyvoting

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

With Early Voting starting, what hasn’t changed?

Yes, Early Voting starts this year. But not everything has changed!  You can still vote on Election Day or by Absentee Ballot. To find out more information about all voting options, visit #earlyvoting

What is Early Voting - Graphic Download

Learn about Parties in CT 

What’s the difference between being an Independent and being Unaffiliated in CT? It’s huge! If you’re an Independent, you’re registered with the Independent party. If you’re Unaffiliated, you’re not enrolled in any party. Be sure you know how you’re registered. Find out at today!

Are you affiliated     Independent is not unaffiliated 


Absentee Ballot Informational Videos (click images to view videos):


Absentee Ballot Facts.

SOTS Stephanie Thomas - Absentee Ballot Facts Thumbnail
(brief video to post)


Absentee Ballot Voting Explained.

Absentee Ballot Video - English
(in detail - English)


Voto en Ausencia, Explicado en Español

Absentee Ballot Video - Spanish
(en detalle - Español)


CEO Pledge Badge:

Download the CEO Pledge Badge and post it to your website, your email signature or on social media to proudly display your commitment to civic engagement!

 CEO Pledge Badge - Download


CEO Pledge Certificate:

Download the CEO Certificate to print and display in your office and/or retail space, serving as a reminder to staff, customers, and vendors to get involved in the community!

CEO Pledge Certificate - Download


Civics 101 Document:

Email this non-partisan educational document to staff and/or clients to help them better understand how government works and why voting is important.

Civics 101 Doc - English Download Button     Civics 101 Doc - Spanish Download Button


CEO Pledge Starter Social Media Posts: 

CEO Pledge Announcement Option #1
  • Facebook / Instagram / Twitter: We just became a Civically Engaged Organization (CEO), committing to help make our community an educated and strong place for us all to live and work. @CTSots has info about how to engage with your community at Who else is in??

     C.E.O. Pledge - Stay Engaged


CEO Pledge Announcement Option #2
  • Facebook / Instagram / Twitter: We/I have a new title to add to my/our business cards – CEO! We’ve committed to being a Civically Engaged Organization to help educate our community on how to get involved. Everyone can text VOTE to 860.321.4221 to stay informed about key election dates.

    C.E.O. Pledge - Text Vote to 860-321-4221


Voter Registration Tip



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