Grid system

All webpages at their core are built on a 12-column grid that spans across the full-width of the page.

Much like the front page of a newspaper, the use of the grid allows for multiple types of content to be displayed on a page within a structure that supports the hierarchy of content, readability, uniformity in spacing, and organization of content.

Within the structure of the 12-column grid, the webpage can be divided up into containers of various sizes that are used to present the required content for the page. The available containers are all based on dividing up our 12-columns across the page.

PDF instructions |   Video Tutorial

12 Column Grid Image

Fullwidth Container

Fullwidth Container: this container spans the full-width of the 12-columns available.

Full-width Container 12 Columns

6X6 Container

6x6 Container: this container divides the 12-column grid into 2 available containers each 6 columns wide. 6+6=12

6x6 Container

4x8 Container

4x8 Container: this container divides the 12-column grid into 2 available containers, one being 4 columns wide and the other being 8 columns wide: 4+8=12
This can also be set as an 8x4 container: 4+8=12

4X8 Container

3x9 Container

3x9 Container: this container divides the 12-column grid into 2 available containers, one being 3 columns wide and the other being 9 columns wide: 3+9=12 This can also be set as a 9x3 container: 3+9=12

3x9 Container


4X4X4 Container

4x4x4 Container: this container divides the 12-column grid into 3 available containers each 4 columns wide. 4+4+4=12

4X4X4 Container

3x3x3x3 Container

3x3x3x3 Container: this container divides the 12-column grid into 4 available containers each 3 columns wide. 3+3+3+3=12

3X3X3X3 Container