Story Group Component

The story group component displays a group of priority “stories” of the page’s main content. It contains a section heading, a headline, body copy, an image or video, and an optional call-to-action link. The difference between the story group and the lead story is that the story group has components in smaller text boxes. The story group component helps call out several second-most equally important “stories” or topics.


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In the story group, the lead story (or the biggest one below) carries the page’s most important message. The three other lead stories are secondary content on a page. Similar to the lead story component, the story group component requires a strategic approach when considering which content to highlight. Looking at the example below, think of the lead story or the biggest one in the group as a representation of the overarching page’s message.

The remaining three components are each devoted to a feature-worthy service, topic, KB, or message. When used as a secondary or tertiary page part, these smaller lead stories should introduce additional details like KB articles, story groups, etc. A story group rarely acts as a stand-alone component on a page. Use keywords in your headers and make the most of your page’s ability to attract traffic. Headers are a great place to add search engine-optimized (SEO) keywords or phrases.

This component can be used on a Full-width Template page as well are a Right-rail Template page.


The lead story group comes in four variations: story group with highlighted story and images, story group with highlighted story and tile cards, story group with no highlighted story.

Story Group with highlighted story and images

The full version displays the image at its largest size, 600 X 400 pixels.

placeholder image

Small business help

This lead story succinctly “tells the story” of what a user will find in this section. Add a brief opener and bullets so the user can skim. This copy reflects the page’s main ideas or services. For example, Agency ABC represents thousands of small and minority businesses. The lead story briefly summarizes the page.

The story group below highlights recent events. Subsequent sections showcase relevant content of descending importance. Be sure to keep your language simple.

Opening your business

Full version displays the image at largest size, 600 X 400 pixels.

placeholder image

New and open business help

This copy should reflect the page’s other important main ideas or content. This content is considered separate from the story group above - related, but less important.

For example, you devoted the above section to Agency ABC’s news. THIS section could showcase a separate and related theme, with content to help with opening a business.

A highlighted story with tile cards is an excellent choice because it showcases this section’s other main ideas..

  • Startup support 
    This story card briefly highlights and links to a resource, like a link to a startup business partner.
  • Minority business help 
    This story card briefly highlights and links to another resource, like a link to a small or minority business partner.
  • Women-owned partners 
    This story card briefly highlights and links to another resource, like a link to a women’s business partner.
  • Tech business networks 
    This story card briefly highlights and links to another resource, like a link to a tech business partner.

Funding your business

Full version displays the image at smallest size, and contains up to five stories with introductions and Call To Action links.

Secure grants and loans

placeholder image

Funding your business

Use this component for a separate section of tertiary importance. Add a description with links, for example, to internal funding partners.

  • Grants 
    Link out to a related resource, say to agency D.
  • Loans 
    Link out to a related resource, say to agency E.
  • Incubators 
    Link out to a related resource, say to agency F.
  • Investors 
    Link out to a related resource, say to agency G.