Improve accessibility

Woman with vision impairment standing with white cane listening to accessibility feature from a CT website on her phone.

To avoid excluding anyone from accessing your website, it’s important to make web accessibility a priority

Website accessibility is the practice of designing a website in a way that people with disabilities can easily navigate, consume, and interact with its content. Only 3% of the internet is accessible for people with disabilities.

Building inclusive websites accessible to people with diverse abilities is not just good practice but also essential to meeting international standards and local regulations. From including descriptive alternative text with images for users with vision impairments to adding closed captions to videos for those with hearing impairments, there are many details to designing accessible features within a website.

Inclusivity best practices

Woman with physical impairment putting on earphones and accessing a public computer.

Ensure all readers have a neutral experience

Inclusive web content removes bias and assumptions from a website so that users won’t feel excluded due to an impairment, demographics, or other temporary or permanent circumstances.

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