Connecticut Troops to Teachers Program
Connecticut Troops to Teachers is a program for all service members and veterans to receive assistance in transitioning to a career in teaching.
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Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Grant
A collaborated effort with pilot higher education institutions, CCSU and SCSU, to analyze and reform teacher preparation curricula to ensure training in evidence-based practices in literacy (reading and writing), culturally responsive teaching and clinical experiences.
Connecticut's six strategy plan to ensure equitable access to excellent educators
The CSDE encourages districts to use the CT Evidence Guides as a tool for professional development and growth as well as guiding observations. These guides can offer opportunities for valuable professional learning as educators work with one another to generate their own examples of evidence aligned to their respective rubric.
Educator Evaluation Implementation Recommendations and Resources
Educator Evaluation Plan Submission Process
The State Board of Education acted on April 5, 2017, to adopt proposed recommendations from the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) on the appropriate uses/non-uses of the state mastery test (e.g. Smarter Balanced Assessment, SAT, CMT, and CAPT) within the educator evaluation and support system.
Educator Evaluation Plans - APSEPs
State approved educator evaluation and support plans for approved private special education programs.
Educator Evaluation Plans – Public School Districts, Charters and RESCs
Listed below are the state approved educator evaluation and support plans for the current school year. The plans are sorted alphabetically.
The newly revised CSDE Foundational Skills for Evaluators of Teachers training is designed to concentrate on the evaluator’s capacity to observe and analyze teacher performance and practice inherent in the CT Common Core of Teaching (CCT) and to provide supportive, high quality feedback to teachers.
Increasing Educator Diversity (IED) Policy Oversight Council
Advise the Commissioner of Education on ways to encourage minority middle and secondary school students to attend institutions of higher education and enter teacher preparation programs, recruit minority students attending institutions of higher education to enroll in teacher preparation programs and pursue teaching careers, recruit and retain minority teachers in Connecticut schools, recruit minority teachers from other states to teach in Connecticut schools, and recruit minority professionals in other fields to enter teaching.
Increasing Educator Diversity (IED) Policy Oversight Council
Advise the Commissioner of Education on ways to encourage minority middle and secondary school students to attend institutions of higher education and enter teacher preparation programs, recruit minority students attending institutions of higher education to enroll in teacher preparation programs and pursue teaching careers, recruit and retain minority teachers in Connecticut schools, recruit minority teachers from other states to teach in Connecticut schools, and recruit minority professionals in other fields to enter teaching.
Professional Development Task Force 2016-17
The task force was created to study professional development and in-service training requirements for educators.
Connecticut's Definition of Professional Learning: High-quality professional learning is a process that ensures all educators have equitable access throughout their career continuum to relevant, individual and collaborative opportunities to enhance their practice so that all students advance towards positive academic and non-academic outcomes.