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State Department of Education Announces Recipients of 2021 Summer Enrichment Grants
The Governor's Summer Reading Challenge
CONNECTICUT READS, the Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge encourages students to read during the Summer.
Family Tips - Providing Social and Emotional Support to Children for COVID-19
Assistive Technology Guidelines-Executive Summary
The 2013 Connecticut Assistive Technology (AT) Guidelines provides both school districts and Birth to Three service providers guidance to ensure that all children identified for AT services have access to AT through a framework for making decisions about the AT needs of children and students with disabilities.
Connecticut is proud of its dedicated and innovative educators, and is eager to attract new teachers and other educational professionals to our schools. Whether you are a student in an educator preparation program, a veteran educator coming from another state, or a Connecticut teacher seeking a new certificate, we hope this page answers your questions.
CSDE Resource Guide for New Administrators
The Guide was developed as an induction tool to assist new administrators during the first years in their new roles. It is intended to be an easy to use resource that includes must-know information and access to resources from the CSDE.