Step 3 - Brainstorm Contributing Factors

How do we determine a root cause of priority concerns?

It is easy to put on the judgement hat about causes of priority challenges.  We have our own experiences- personal, professional, and within our school communities.  These experiences inform our perspectives, biases, and assumptions. The power of bringing a diverse group of stakeholders together with the perspectives of our many personal experiences to explore the challenges and contributing factors provides enriched thinking that helps us get to a root cause. 


 The State Department of Education cycle of continuous improvement is connect to a cyclical process for Needs Assessment and finding Root Cause

In order to find a root cause, we must first consider key factors contributing to a problem.  Most often, there is more than one contributing factor that has led to the challenge.  Here you will find protocols to brainstorm possible factors that will bring voices, thoughtfulness, and additional ideas to the process.  These protocols can be used separately or together to dive into the challenges and gain an understanding of the contributing factors and root causes.

Training Video Module for Step 3: Brainstorm Contributing Factors      Step 3: Brainstorm Contributing Factors