Step 2 - Analyze Evidence

How do we effectively use data to identify priority concerns?
2 Analyze the Evidence

Once the data has been gathered, it is time for the team to more closely examine the data to determine strengths, needs and opportunities for growth.  As the team examines the data, it is critical to begin with the observable facts.  Then the team can use these facts to identify trends and unexpected results.  When layering the demographic data, perception data, student learning data, and process data trends, questions may arise that call for additional data or investigation.  When disaggregating the data  (by race, gender, language, students with disabilities, grade level, course level, free/reduced meals ) and examining it across different data sets, the team will have opportunities to identify the priority concerns, determine the relevant factors that impact outcomes and data, and use this information to determine root causes of challenges.  

              The State Department of Education cycle of continuous improvement is connect to a cyclical process for Needs Assessment and finding Root Cause

Training Video Module for Step 2: Analyze the Evidence    Step 2: Analyze the Evidence