Menu Planning
General Guidance |
Breakfast |
Crediting Foods |
Food Safety
Lunch |
Nutrition Facts Label |
Snacks |
Special Diets
Sugars Limit for Breakfast Cereals and Yogurt |
General Guidance
- CSDE's Menu Planning Guidance Series for the Preschool Meal Patterns
- Cycle Menus (CSDE's Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
- Menu Forms and Production Records (CSDE's Meal Patterns for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs webpage)
- Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Recipes for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE's Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
- Resources for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Resources for the Preschool Meal Patterns (CSDE)
- Resource List for Menu Planning and Food Production for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Sample CACFP Menus ("Menu Planning " section of CSDE's Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs webpage)
- Serving School Meals to Preschoolers (USDA)
- USDA Memo CACFP 15-2016: Optional Best Practices to Further Improve Nutrition in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern
- Cycle Menus for Child Care: Preschoolers (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- It's Breakfast Time! Child and Adult Care Food Program Breakfast Menu Planner for Children 3 Through 18 Years of Age (USDA)
- Sample Menus for CACFP Child Care Programs ("Documents/Forms" section of CSDE's Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs webpage)
Crediting Foods
- Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Crediting Documentation for the Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Guide to Meeting the Preschool Meal Patterns and Crediting Requirements for the School Nutrition Programs
- Noncreditable Foods in the Preschool Meal Patterns for the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Food Safety
- Food Safety for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Resource List for Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Cycle Menus for Child Care: Preschoolers (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- Sample Menus for CACFP Child Care Programs ("Documents/Forms" section of CSDE's Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs webpage)
Nutrition Facts Label
- Reading Food Labels for Allergens ("Food Allergies" section of CSDE's Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs webpage)
- Using the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP (USDA)
- Cycle Menus for Child Care: Preschoolers (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- Let's Make a Snack: Child and Adult Care Food Program Snack Menu Planner for Children 3 Through 18 Years of Age (USDA)
- Sample Menus for CACFP Child Care Programs ("Documents/Forms" section of CSDE's Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs webpage)
- Serving Snacks in the CACFP (USDA)
- Snack Inspiration: Menus with 240 Snack Ideas (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction)
Special Diets
- Resource List for Special Diets in Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
Sugars Limit for Breakfast Cereals and Yogurt
- Calculating Sugar Limits for Breakfast Cereals in the CACFP (USDA)
- Choose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Added Sugars (USDA)
- Crediting Breakfast Cereals in the Preschool Meal Patterns for the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Calculating Sugar Limits for Yogurt in the CACFP (USDA)
- Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars (USDA)
- Crediting Yogurt in the Preschool Meal Patterns for the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)