Meal Service
Co-mingled Meals and Afterschool Snacks |
Family Style Meal Service |
Meal Schedules
Serving the Same Menu to Preschool and Grades K-12
Water Availability During Meal and Snack Service
Co-mingled Meals and Afterschool Snacks
“Co-mingling” is the practice of serving meals or afterschool snacks to a variety of grades in the same service area at the same time. This practice typically occurs due to operational constraints within a school, such as limited time and space. SFAs may use the meal pattern of the older grades for both grade groups (preschoolers and the older grade group) when the co-mingled meal or afterschool snack service meets the requirements below.
- The preschoolers and students from older grade groups are served meals or afterschool snacks together in the same place at the same time.
- It is hard to tell the preschoolers from older students.
- It would be operationally difficult to serve different foods or different amounts of foods during the combined meal or afterschool snack service.
For example, if the SFA serves lunch or breakfast to preschoolers and grades K-5 in the same service area at the same time, the SFA may choose to follow the K-5 meal pattern for both groups. If the SFA serves afterschool snack to preschoolers and grades K-12 in the same service area at the same time, the SFA may choose to follow the ASP meal pattern for grades K-12 for both groups.
The preschool meal patterns provide the amounts and types of foods that most younger children need for healthy growth and development. The USDA strongly encourages SFAs to find ways to serve grade-appropriate meals and afterschool snacks to preschoolers and older students to best address their nutritional needs. SFAs must follow the preschool meal patterns when meals and afterschool snacks are served to preschoolers in a different area (such as a separate serving line or meals in the classroom) or at a different time.
- Module 2: Introduction to Preschool Meal Patterns (CSDE’s Preschool Meal Pattern Training for the School Nutrition Programs)
- Section 4 — Co-mingled Meals and Afterschool Snacks: Guide to Meal Service Requirements for Preschoolers in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Serving School Meals to Preschoolers (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 37-2017: Flexibility for Co-Mingled Preschool Meals: Questions and Answers
Family Style Meal Service
- CACFP and Family Style Meal Service (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- Family-Style Dining in Child Care Settings (Virtual Lab School)
- Family Style Meal Service (Oregon Department of Education)
- Serving School Meals to Preschoolers (USDA)
- Supplement E: Support Family Style Meals (From USDA's Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children: Provider Handbook for the Child and Adult Care Food Program)
- Section 3 — Types of Meal Service: Guide to Meal Service Requirements for Preschoolers in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Tips for Serving Meals Family-Style (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- USDA Memo SP 01-2018: Updated Infant and Preschool Meal Patterns in NSLP and SBP: Q&As (refer to Section III: Meal Service Options)
- Why You Should Serve Family Style (National CACFP Association)
Field Trip Meals
- Requirements for Field Trip Meals in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
- Section 5 — Field Trip Meals: Guide to Meal Service Requirements for Preschoolers in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Meal Schedules for Preschoolers
- Section 2 — Meal Schedules: Guide to Meal Service Requirements for Preschoolers in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Lunch Periods: Required Time (CSDE's Program Guidance for School Nutrition Programs webpage)
Offer versus Serve (OVS)
- OVS is allowed only when preschoolers are co-mingled with older grades in the NSLP, SBP, SSO, or ASP (refer to Co-mingled Meals and Afterschool Snacks below); otherwise, OVS is not allowed in the preschool meal patterns.
- Serving School Meals to Preschoolers (USDA)
- Water Availability During Meal Service (CSDE's Program Guidance for School Nutrition Programs webpage)
Serving the Same Menu to Preschool and Grades K-12
The preschool meal patterns and meal patterns for grades K-12 have different requirements. When school food authorities (SFAs) serve the same lunch, breakfast, or afterschool snack menu to both groups, the menu items must comply with whichever requirements are stricter. For example, the NSLP and SBP meal patterns for grades K-12 have stricter whole grain-rich (WGR) criteria than the preschool meal patterns. Meals served to both groups must comply with the WGR criteria for grades K-12. The NSLP, SBP, and ASP preschool meal patterns require a sugars limit for yogurt and breakfast cereals, but the meal patterns for grades K-12 do not. Yogurt and breakfast cereals served to both groups must comply with the preschool sugars limit.
- Comparison of ASP Meal Pattern Requirements for Preschool and Grades K-12 (CSDE)
- Comparison of Lunch and Breakfast Meal Pattern Requirements for Preschool and Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Section 4 — Co-mingled Meals and Afterschool Snacks:Guide to Meal Service Requirements for Preschoolers in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Water Availability During Meal and Snack Service
The NSLP regulations (7 CFR 210.10(a)(1)(i)) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) (7 CFR 220.8(a)(1)) require that schools and institutions must make plain potable water available without restriction to students at no charge during the service of reimbursable meals and afterschool snacks. Potable water is water that is safe for human consumption. “Available without restriction” means that students can freely access the water in the location where the meals and afterschool snacks are served.
- Water Availability for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)