Annual HFC Documentation
Overview of HFC Documentation Forms
Public school districts that implement HFC under Section 10-215f of the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) must provide annual documentation to the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) by November 30 of each year. Successful compliance with the required HFC documentation ensures that HFC districts can maintain their HFC funding.
The HFC documentation addresses the following foods and beverages available for sale to students from each source in all district schools, including all recipient schools that choose to participate in HFC under the district’s interschool agreements:
- all foods available for sale to students separately from reimbursable meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP);
- all foods and beverages served in afterschool snacks in the Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP; and
- all beverages available for sale to students as part of and separately from reimbursable meals, and separately from reimbursable afterschool snacks.
The HFC documentation addresses all sources of these foods and beverages (commercial food and beverage products and foods made from scratch). Examples include cafeteria sales, vending machines, school stores, kiosks, concession stands, other school-based enterprises, fundraisers, and any other sources of food and beverage sales to students, e.g., culinary arts programs, family and consumer sciences classes, afterschool programs, and programs/organizations that charge a fee for student participation and the fee includes the cost of foods or beverages provided to students, such as sports programs, clubs, organizations, and other activities.
Summary of HFC Documentation Requirements for School Year 2024-25
All HFC districts must submit the online HFC Compliance Form (refer to "Requirements for All HFC districts" below). In addition, certain districts must also submit lists of all foods sold to students separately from reimbursable meals and as part of ASP snacks, and all beverages sold as part of and separately from reimbursable meals and ASP snacks (refer to "Requirements for Certain HFC districts" below). Districts required to submit these lists of foods and beverages include the three categories below.
- Districts scheduled for an Administrative Review of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) in the current school year.
- Districts implementing HFC for the first time this school year.
- Districts with HFC compliance issues for the prior school year.
These districts are identified in the CSDE’s document, Districts Required to Submit Food and Beverage Lists for School Year 2024-25. Districts not indicated in this document do not submit lists of foods and beverages.
The required HFC documentation and links to instructions and forms are summarized below. HFC documentation for school year 2024-25 is due to the CSDE by November 30, 2024.
Requirements for All HFC Districts | Requirements for Certain HFC Districts
Requirements for All HFC Districts
- Must submit online: HFC Compliance Survey
- Survey instructions (review before beginning survey):
- Guidance for Completing the HFC Compliance Survey
- Preview of HFC Compliance Survey Questions
- CSDE Training Module: Completing the Documentation Requirements for HFC and handout of slides
Note: Training is 20 minutes for districts that are not required to submit lists.
- Survey instructions (review before beginning survey):
Requirements for Certain HFC Districts
(Indicated on Districts Required to Submit Lists of Foods and Beverages for School Year 2024-25)
- Must submit online: HFC Compliance Survey
- Survey instructions (review before beginning survey):
- Guidance for Completing the HFC Compliance Survey
- Preview of HFC Compliance Survey Questions
- CSDE Training Module: Completing the Documentation Requirements for HFC and handout of slides
Note: Training is 25 minutes for districts that are required to submit lists.
- Survey instructions (review before beginning survey):
- Must email to the CSDE: Lists of foods and beverages (instructions for emailing are on page 11 of Guidance for Submitting Lists of Foods and Beverages for HFC Documentation)
- HFC documentation forms to submit lists
- Form 1: Commercial Foods and Beverages Sold in Cafeterias
- Form 2: Foods Made from Scratch Sold in Cafeterias
- Form 3: Foods and Beverages Sold in Vending Machines
- Form 4: Foods and Beverages Sold in School Stores
- Form 5: Food and Beverage Fundraisers
- Form 6: Commercial Foods and Beverages Served in the Afterschool Snack Program
- Form 7: Foods Made from Scratch Served in the Afterschool Snack Program
- Form 8: Commercial Foods and Beverages Sold from Other Sources
- Form 9: Foods Made from Scratch Sold from Other Sources
- HFC documentation forms to submit lists