Annual HFC Application
Overview | Steps | Instructions
The annual HFC Statement (Addendum to Agreement for Child Nutrition Programs [ED-099]) for school year (SY) 2024-25 (July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025) must be completed online in the CSDE’s Online Application and Claiming System for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP System). The application deadline for school year 2024-25 is July 1, 2024.
Each local board of education or governing authority (BOE) for public schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) must use the required motion language in attachment 1 of Operational Memorandum No. 07-24 and schedule the required votes at a BOE meeting that occurs early enough to allow the district to submit the final BOE-approved meeting minutes to the CSDE by July 1, 2024.
- All BOEs must vote on whether to participate in the healthy food option of HFC.
- If the BOE votes “yes” to the healthy food option, a vote on whether to allow food exemptions is required. The BOE may also choose to vote on whether to allow beverage exemptions.
- If the BOE votes “no” to the healthy food option, a vote on whether to allow food exemptions is not required. The BOE may choose to vote on whether to allow beverage exemptions.
Note: Beverage exemptions are defined by a separate statute (C.G.S. Section 10-221q) and are not part of the annual HFC Statement. If the BOE does not vote to allow beverage exemptions, noncompliant beverages cannot be sold to students on school premises at any time.
The chart below summarizes the BOE votes.
Steps for Completing the Annual HFC Statement
Public schools that participate in the NSLP must follow the steps below to ensure accurate and timely submission of the HFC Statement.
- Review Operational Memorandum No. 07-24: Carefully review the requirements in this memorandum and attachment 1. Watch the CSDE’s 21-minute video for detailed guidance on the HFC application process.
- Operational Memorandum No. 07-24: Requirements for Submitting the Healthy Food Certification (HFC) Statement for School Year 2024-25
- CSDE Training Module (21-minute video): Completing the Application Process for Healthy Food Certification
- Schedule HFC votes: Schedule the required HFC votes (and, if applicable, the optional vote for beverage exemptions) at a BOE meeting before June 30, 2024.
- The HFC Statement must include the final BOE-approved minutes. Plan the BOE meeting several months before the July 1 deadline to allow sufficient time for the BOE to approve the draft minutes before they are submitted to the CSDE. Note: Voting in June makes it unlikely that the final BOE minutes will be available for submission to the CSDE by the July 1 deadline. The CSDE recommends that the BOE votes occur before the end of May.
- If the district chooses to allow beverage exemptions, the CSDE recommends that the BOE conducts the vote on beverage exemptions at the same time as the HFC votes. For information on these requirements, refer to the CSDE's Exemptions for Foods and Beverages in Public Schools.
- Conduct HFC votes: Conduct the BOE votes and prepare the BOE minutes. The final BOE-approved minutes must: 1) include the required language in attachment 1; and 2) indicate the results of each vote. Do not submit the final BOE-approved minutes until requested by the CSDE (refer to step 4).
- The CSDE cannot accept BOE minutes without the required language. If the language is not the same as attachment 1 of Operational Memorandum No. 07-24, the BOE will need to vote again using the correct language.
- May 2024: Complete HFC Statement and upload BOE minutes: Complete the online HFC application module in the CSDE’s Connecticut Online Application and Claiming System for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP System). Upload the final BOE-approved minutes indicating the results of the HFC votes.
- The CSDE will notify sponsors when the HFC application module and instructions are available. Do not access the CNP System prior to receiving this notification. Note: The HFC module in the CNP System is open as of April 12, 2024.
- This step is competed by the district’s authorized signer 1 or 2. Refer to the instructions below on how to access and complete the HFC application module.
- If the BOE minutes are not finalized by July 1, upload the draft minutes by July 1, then upload the final BOE-approved minutes as soon as they are available.
- CSDE Operational Memorandum for Annual HFC Statement
- Operational Memorandum No. 07-24: Requirements for Submitting the Healthy Food Certification (HFC) Statement for School Year 2024-25
- CSDE HFC Application Training Module
- HFC Application Video (21 minutes): Completing the Application Process for Healthy Food Certification Video
- HFC Application Video Handout: Completing the Application Process for Healthy Food Certification Handout
- Exemptions for Foods and Beverages in Public Schools (CSDE)
- Instructions for Submitting Connecticut’s Healthy Food Certification Statement for School Year 2024-25