Crediting Guidance for Meal Components: Grades K-12
The resources below provide guidance on the crediting requirements for the five meal components (milk, meats/meat alternates, vegetables, fruits, and grains) of the meal patterns for grades K-12 in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP). The Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP follows the NSLP and SBP meal patterns.
Effective with school year 2025-26 (beginning July 1, 2025), the USDA final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, establishes several product-based limits for added sugars in the NSLP and SBP meal patterns for grades K-12.
- Flavored milk cannot exceed 10 grams of added sugars per 8 fluid ounces. Flavored milk sold as a competitive food in middle and high schools cannot exceed 15 grams of added sugars per 12 fluid ounces.
- Yogurt cannot exceed 12 grams of added sugars per 6 ounces (2 grams of added sugars per ounce).
- Breakfast cereals cannot exceed 6 grams of added sugars per dry ounce.
For more information, visit the "Upcoming Meal Pattern Changes" section of the CSDE's Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs webpage.
Milk | Meats/Meat Alternates | Vegetables | Fruits | Grains
Milk Component
The milk component requires fluid milk. Milk must be pasteurized, meet all state and local requirements, and contain vitamins A and D at levels specified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Training on the milk component is available in Module 7: Milk Component of the CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program.
- Fat content: The meal patterns for grades K-12 allow low-fat (1%) and fat-free milk, either unflavored or flavored.
- Milk variety: School food authorities (SFAs) must offer a variety of milk (at least two different choices of fat content or flavor) at lunch and breakfast. At least one choice must be unflavored milk. The milk variety requirement does not apply to the ASP or SMP.
- Serving size: The minimum creditable amount for all grades and meals is 1 cup, with an exception for milk in smoothies.
- Milk in smoothies: The minimum creditable amount of milk in a smoothie is ¼ cup. SFAs must have a standardized recipe or product formulation statement (PFS) to document the type and amount of milk in the smoothie serving. Refer to the CSDE's Crediting Smoothies in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs.
- Milk substitutes for children without a disability: SFAs may choose to offer one or more allowable fluid milk substitutes for children without a disability. The two allowable types of milk substitutes include 1) lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk; and 2) nondairy milk substitutes that meet the USDA’s nutrition standards for fluid milk substitutes, such as certain brands of soy milk. Nondairy milk substitutes require a written request from the parent or guardian indicating the medical or other special dietary need that restricts the child’s diet and requires the milk substitute. Refer to the CSDE's Allowable Milk Substitutes for Children without Disabilities in School Nutrition Programs.
- State beverage statute for public schools: In addition to the meal pattern requirements, milk and nondairy milk substitutes in public schools must also meet the state beverage requirements of Section 10-221q of the Connecticut General Statutes. The state beverage statute applies to all beverages available for sale to students on school premises, as part of and separately from reimbursable meals and ASP snacks. A list of products that comply with the federal and state requirements is available in list 16 (milk) and list 17 (nondairy milk substitutes) on the CSDE's List of Acceptable Foods and Beverages webpage.
- Milk component change for school year 2025-26: Effective July 1, 2025, the USDA final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, establishes a sugar limit for flavored milk. Flavored milk cannot exceed 10 grams of added sugars per 8 fluid ounces. Flavored milk sold as a competitive food in middle and high schools cannot exceed 15 grams of added sugars per 12 fluid ounces.
General Crediting Guidance for Milk
- CSDE Training: Module 7: Milk Component (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Comparison of the Milk Component Requirements in the Meal Patterns for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Fluid Milk in the Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet (USDA)
- CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 06-19: Summary of Federal and State Milk Requirements for the NSLP, SBP, SSO of the NSLP, ASP of the NSLP, and Special Milk Program (SMP)
- FNS Instruction 783-7 Rev. 1: Milk Requirement Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)
- Food Buying Guide Section 5 Milk: Overview of Crediting Requirements for the Milk Component and Yield Table for Milk (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 06-2007: Fluid Milk and Other Food Components/Menu Items in Reimbursable Lunches
- USDA Memo SP 39-2019: Clarification on the Milk and Water Requirements in the School Meal Programs
Milk in Smoothies
- Crediting Smoothies in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Offering Smoothies as Part of Reimbursable School Meals Grades K-12 (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, and SFSP 17-2019: Smoothies Offered in the Child Nutrition Programs
Milk Substitutes
- Allowable Milk Substitutes for Children without Disabilities in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Determining if Nondairy Beverages Meet the USDA’s Nutrition Standards for Fluid Milk Substitutes in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Milk Substitutes in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE's Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs webpage)
Milk Variety Exemption for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs)
RCCIs that are juvenile detention centers or correctional facilities may meet the milk variety requirement over the week, rather than daily, if there are potential legitimate safety concerns regarding offering different types of milk to students. For example, a RCCI may offer all students flavored fat-free milk on some days of the week and unflavored low-fat milk on other days. This provision also applies to any other RCCIs that can demonstrate operational limitations to separating the grade groups and can show legitimate safety concerns if students are served different portions. To implement this provision, the RCCI must submit a waiver request to the CSDE.
- CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 40-13: Extending Flexibility for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs) in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 36-12: Residential Child Care Institutions Exception for Safety if Serving Multiple Age/Grade Groups
- Meal Pattern Exception Request Form for Residential Child Care Institutions (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 38-2012: Residential Child Care Institutions Exception for Safety if Serving Multiple Age/Grade Groups
Meats/Meat Alternates (MMA) Component
The MMA component includes fresh and frozen meats (e.g., lean beef, pork, poultry, fish, and shellfish), processed meats (e.g., chicken nuggets, deli meats, and fish sticks), canned meats (e.g., chicken, tuna, and salmon), and meat alternates (e.g., eggs; cheese; yogurt; nuts and seeds and their butters; beans, peas, and lentils; tofu; and tempeh). Beans, peas, and lentils credit as either MMA or vegetables but one serving cannot credit as both components in the same meal. Training on the MMA component is available in Module 8: Meats/Meat Alternates Component of the CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program.
- Serving size: MMA are measured in ounce equivalents (oz eq). The minimum creditable amount is ¼ oz eq.
- Required quantities for 1 oz eq: The required quantities depend on the type of MMA and refer to the edible portion of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish (i.e., without bone, breading, binders, fillers, extenders, liquids, or other ingredients). A 1-oz eq serving of MMA equals 1 ounce of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish; 1 ounce of cheese (low-fat recommended); 2 ounces of cottage or ricotta cheese, cheese food/spread, or cheese substitute (low-fat recommended); ¼ cup of cooked beans/peas/lentils; ½ large egg; 2 tablespoons of nut or seed butters; 1 ounce of nuts or seeds; 1 ounce of commercial tofu (must contain at least 5 grams of protein in 2.2 ounces); 1 ounce of tempeh; 3 ounces of surimi; ½ cup or 4 ounces of yogurt or soy yogurt; and 1 ounce of alternate protein products (APPs).
- Crediting MMA substitutions at breakfast: Effective July 1, 2024, the USDA final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, establishes a combined grains and MMA component in the SBP meal pattern and removes the requirement to offer 1 oz eq of grains each day at breakfast. SFAs may offer 1 oz eq of grains, MMA, or a combination of both. Refer to the USDA's Offering Meats and Meat Alternates at School Breakfast.
- Main dish requirement for lunch: The MMA component must be served in a main dish or in a main dish and one other food item.
- Commerical processed products: Commercial processed products require a CN label or PFS to document their meal pattern contribution. Products without this documentation cannot credit in school meals.
- MMA component change for school year 2025-26: Effective July 1, 2025, the USDA final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, establishes a sugars limit for yogurt. Yogurt cannot exceed 12 grams of added sugars per 6 ounces (no more than 2 grams of added sugars per ounce).
General Crediting Guidance for MMA
- CSDE Training: Module 8: Meats/Meat Alternates Component (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Crediting Meats/Meat Alternates in the Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet (USDA)
- Food Buying Guide Section 1 Meats/Meat Alternates: Overview of Crediting Requirements for the Meats/Meat Alternates Component and Yield Table for Meats/Meat Alternates (USDA)
- Offering Meats and Meat Alternates at School Breakfast: Grades K-12 (USDA)
Alternate Protein Products (APPs)
- Questions and Answers on Alternate Protein Products (USDA)
- Requirements for Alternate Protein Products in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Beans, Peas, and Lentils
- "Beans, Peas, and Lentils" in CSDE's Resource List for Menu Planning and Food Production in Child Nutrition Programs
- Crediting Beans, Peas, and Lentils in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 26-2019, CACFP 13-2019, and SFSP 12-2019: Crediting Pasta Products Made of Vegetable Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs
Commercial Products
- Crediting Commercial Meat/Meat Alternate Products in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Deli Meats in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 01-2016: Procuring Local Meat, Poultry, Game, and Eggs for Child Nutrition Programs
Dried Meats
- USDA Memo SP 21-2019, CACFP 08-2019, and SFSP 07-2019: Crediting Shelf-Stable, Dried and Semi-Dried Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Products in the Child Nutrition Programs
- USDA Webinar: Moving Forward: Update on Food Crediting in Child Nutrition Programs with Guidance for Dried Meat Products (April 24, 2019)
Nuts and Seeds: Crediting Nuts and Seeds in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Tempeh and Surimi
- USDA Memo SP 25-2019, CACFP 12-2019, and SFSP 11-2019: Crediting Tempeh in the Child Nutrition Programs
- USDA Memo SP 24-2019, CACFP 11-2019, and SFSP 10-2019: Crediting Surimi Seafood in the Child Nutrition Programs
- USDA Webinar: Additional Meat/Meat Alternates Options for CNPs: Crediting Tempeh and Surimi (May 8, 2019)
Tofu and Tofu Products
- Crediting Tofu and Tofu Products in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 02-2024, CACFP 02-2024, and SFSP 02-2024: Revised: Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the School Meal Programs, CACFP, and SFSP
Yogurt and Soy Yogurt
- Crediting Yogurt in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 02-2024, CACFP 02-2024, and SFSP 02-2024: Revised: Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the School Meal Programs, CACFP, and SFSP
Vegetables Component
The vegetables component includes fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, dried vegetables, and pasteurized 100 percent full-strength vegetable juice. Beans, peas, and lentils credit as either vegetables or MMA but one serving cannot credit as both components in the same meal. Training on the vegetables component is available in Module 10: Vegetables Component of the CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program.
Crediting Considerations for Vegetables
- Serving size: Vegetables are measured by volume (cups). All vegetables credit based on the volume served, except raw leafy greens such as lettuce and spinach. Raw leafy greens credit as half the volume served, e.g., 1 cup of leafy greens credits as ½ cup of the vegetables component. The minimum creditable amount is ⅛ cup.
- Canned vegetables: The serving of canned vegetables must be drained.
- Dried vegetables: Dried vegetables (such as potato flakes and dried soup mix) credit based on their rehydrated volume and require a PFS. Dried vegetables used for seasonings do not credit.
- Juice limit: The weekly amount of vegetable juice cannot exceed half of the weekly vegetable offerings. At breakfast, the weekly amount of fruit juice together with vegetable juice (including vegetable/fruit juice blends) cannot exceed half of the weekly fruit offerings. Refer to the CSDE's Crediting Juice in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs.
- Vegetable subgroups at lunch: The lunch meal pattern requires weekly servings of the five vegetable subgroups recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These include dark green, red/orange, beans/peas/lentils, starchy, and other (refer to the CSDE's Vegetable Subgroups in the NSLP). SFAs may offer the vegetable subgroups in any order and amount throughout the week to total the minimum weekly requirements.
- Vegetable substitutions at breakfast: Vegetables and vegetable juice may substitute for the fruits component at any breakfast.
General Crediting Guidance for Vegetables
- Crediting Vegetables in Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet (USDA)
- CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 07-19: Compliance Issues with the Vegetables and Fruits Components for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP
- Food Buying Guide Section 2 Vegetables: Overview of Crediting Requirements for the Vegetables Component and Yield Table for Vegetables (USDA)
- CSDE Training: Module 10: Vegetables Component (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Start with Half a Cup: Fresh Vegetable Portioning Guide for Schools (CSDE's Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
Beans, Peas, and Lentils
- "Beans, Peas, and Lentils" in CSDE's Resource List for Menu Planning and Food Production in Child Nutrition Programs
- Crediting Beans, Peas, and Lentils in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 26-2019, CACFP 13-2019, and SFSP 12-2019: Crediting Pasta Products Made of Vegetable Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs
Juice: Crediting Juice in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Salad Bars
- Salad Bars (CSDE's Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
- USDA Memo SP 41-2019: Salad Bars in the NSLP
- Crediting Smoothies in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Offering Smoothies as Part of Reimbursable School Meals Grades K-12 (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, and SFSP 17-2019: Smoothies Offered in the Child Nutrition Programs
Soups: Crediting Soups in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Vegetable Subgroups: Vegetable Subgroups in the NSLP (CSDE)
Vegetables at Breakfast
- Operational Memorandum No. 13-19: Substitution of Vegetables for the Fruits Component in the School Breakfast Program (SBP) for Grades K-12
- USDA Memo SP 06-2020: School Breakfast Program: Continuation of the Substitution of Vegetables for Fruit Flexibility
Vegetables in Smoothies
- Crediting Smoothies in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Offering Smoothies as Part of Reimbursable School Meals Grades K-12 (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, and SFSP 17-2019: Smoothies Offered in the Child Nutrition Programs
Fruits Component
The fruits component includes fresh fruit, frozen fruit, canned fruit (packed in water, full-strength juice, or light syrup), dried fruit, and pasteurized 100 percent full-strength fruit juice. The creditable serving of canned fruit in 100 percent juice may include the juice but cannot include water or syrup. Training on the fruits component is available in Module 9: Fruits Component of the CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program.
Crediting Considerations for Fruits
- Serving size: Fruits are measured by volume (cups). All fruits credit based on the volume served, except dried fruits. Dried fruits credit as twice the volume served, e.g., ¼ cup of raisins credits as ½ cup of the fruits component. The minimum creditable amount is ⅛ cup.
- Juice limit: At lunch, the weekly amount of fruit juice cannot exceed half of the weekly fruit offerings. At breakfast, the weekly amount of fruit juice together with vegetable juice (including vegetable/fruit juice blends) cannot exceed half of the weekly fruit offerings. The calculation of the weekly amount of juice offered at breakfast and lunch includes 100 percent fruit juice, frozen juice pops made from 100 percent juice, pureed fruits in fruit/vegetable smoothies, and juice from canned fruit served in 100 percent juice, unless the canned fruit is drained. Canned fruit in light syrup or water does not count toward the weekly juice limit. The USDA recommends serving whole fruits (fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) more often than juice. Refer to the CSDE's Crediting Juice in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs.
General Crediting Guidance for Fruits
- Crediting Fruits in the Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet (USDA)
- CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 07-19: Compliance Issues with the Vegetables and Fruits Components for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP
- CSDE Training: Module 9: Fruits Component (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Food Buying Guide Section 3 Fruits: Overview of Crediting Requirements for the Fruits Component and Yield Table for Fruits (USDA)
- Start with Half a Cup: Fresh Vegetable Portioning Guide for Schools (CSDE's Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
Coconut: USDA Memo SP 34-2019, CACFP 15-2019, and SFSP 15-2019: Crediting Coconut, Hominy, Corn Masa, and Corn Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs
Juice: Crediting Juice in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Smoothies in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Offering Smoothies as Part of Reimbursable School Meals Grades K-12 (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, and SFSP 17-2019: Smoothies Offered in the Child Nutrition Programs
Grains Component
The grains component includes whole grain-rich (WGR) and enriched breads and bread products (such as biscuits, bagels, rolls, tortillas, and muffins), snack products (such as crackers, animal crackers, graham crackers, hard pretzels, tortilla chips, and popcorn), cereal grains (such as buckwheat, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa), ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereals, cooked breakfast cereals (such as oatmeal), bread products used as an ingredient in another menu item such as combination foods (e.g., breading on fish or poultry and pizza crust in pizza), pasta, and grain-based desserts (such as cookies, brownies, cakes, and granola bars). Training on the grains component is available in Module 11: Grains Component, Module 12: Whole Grain-rich (WGR) Requirement, and Module 13: Grain Ounce Equivalents of the CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program.
- Serving size: Grains are measured in ounce equivalents (oz eq). The minimum creditable amount is ¼ oz eq. The serving must meet the required weight (groups A-G) or volume (groups H-I) in the USDA’s Exhibit A chart (refer to the CSDE's Grain Ounce Equivalents for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12) or provide the minimum creditable grains (refer to the CSDE's Calculation Methods for Grain Ounce Equivalents for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12).
- Grain-based desserts: At lunch, grain-based desserts cannot exceed 2 oz eq per week. The breakfast meal pattern does not require a weekly limit for grain-based desserts but restricts the types that are allowed. Refer to the CSDE's Crediting Grain-based Desserts in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Program.
- WGR requirement: At least 80 percent of the weekly grains offered at lunch and breakfast must be WGR. A WGR food must meet two criteria: 1) the food is 100 percent whole grain or contains a blend of whole and enriched grains that is at least 50 percent whole grain; and 2) noncreditable grains cannot exceed 3.99 grams per portion for groups A-G or 6.99 grams per portion for groups H-I. Refer to the CSDE's Guide to Meeting the Whole Grain-rich Requirement for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12.
- Enriched grains: Enriched grains cannot exceed 20 percent of all grains offered during the week. The limit for noncreditable grains also applies to enriched grains: noncreditable grains cannot exceed 3.99 grams per portion for groups A-G or 6.99 grams per portion for groups H-I. Refer to the CSDE's Crediting Enriched Grains in the School Nutrition Programs.
- Grains component change for school year 2025-26: Effective July 1, 2025, the USDA final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, establishes a sugar limit for breakfast cereals. Breakfast cereals cannot exceed 6 grams of added sugars per dry ounce.
General Crediting Guidance for Grains
- Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for the Grains Component in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Enriched Grains in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Whole Grains in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Crediting Grains in the Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheets (USDA): Part 1: Creditable Grains in Child Nutrition Programs; Part 2: Identifying Grain Products that are Whole Grain-Rich; and Part 3: Program Requirements
- CSDE Training: Module 11: Grains Component (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Food Buying Guide Section 4 Grains: Overview of Crediting Requirements for the Grains Component and Yield Table for Grains (USDA)
- USDA Memo SP 26-2012: Formulated Grain Fruit Products
- USDA Memo SP 26-2019, CACFP 13-2019, and SFSP 12-2019: Crediting Pasta Products Made of Vegetable Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs
- USDA Memo SP 30-2012: Grain Requirements for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program
- USDA Memo SP 34-2019, CACFP 15-2019, and SFSP 15-2019: Crediting Coconut, Hominy, Corn Masa, and Masa Harina in the Child Nutrition Programs
- When Commercial Grain Products Require a Product Formulation Statement to Credit in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Breakfast Cereals
- Crediting Breakfast Cereals in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Grain-based Desserts: Crediting Grain-based Desserts in the Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in the School Nutrition Program (CSDE)
Ounce Equivalents
- Chart: Grain Ounce Equivalents for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 (CSDE) Contains the Exhibit A requirements for ounce equivalents
- Calculation Methods for Grain Ounce Equivalents for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 (CSDE)
- CSDE Training: Module 13: Grain Ounce Equivalents (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- Exhibit A: Refers to the USDA’s document, Exhibit A: Grain Requirements for Child Nutrition Programs, which includes grains/breads servings (required for the ASP meal pattern for grades K-12) and grain oz eq (required for the NSLP and SBP meal patterns for grades K-12).
- Exhibit A Grains Tool (USDA's Food Buying Guide)
- Exhibit A Grains Tool to the Rescue (USDA webinar)
- How to Maximize the Exhibit A Grains Tool (USDA webinar)
- How to Use the Grain Ounce Equivalents Chart for the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
- When Commercial Grain Products Require a Product Formulation Statement to Credit in the School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Popcorn: USDA Memo SP 23-2019, CACFP 10-2019, and SFSP 9-2019: Crediting Popcorn in the Child Nutrition Programs
Whole Grain-rich Requirement At least 80 percent of weekly grains must be WGR
- Calculating the Weekly Percentage of Whole Grain-rich Menu Items in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
- CSDE Guide: Guide to Meeting the Whole Grain-rich Requirement for the NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns for Grades K-12
- CSDE Training: Module 12: Whole Grain-rich (WGR) Requirement (CSDE's What’s in a Meal training program)
- CSDE Operational Memo No. 22-14: Evaluating Products for Compliance with the WGR Criteria for School Nutrition Programs
- The Whole Grain Resource for the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs (USDA)
- Tools for Schools: Serving Whole Grain-rich (USDA)