Surplus Real Estate

By divesting itself of unneeded real estate, the State of Connecticut is able to reduce its expenditures through the elimination of PILOT payments, insurance premiums, maintenance costs, utility costs, etc., while at the same time providing the State with revenue generated through property sales and returning property to local tax rolls and spurring local economic development.

Surplus Real Estate Currently for Sale

To view the list of surplus properties which are currently being offered for sale or lease, please visit

Public Comment

In accordance with CGS 4b-47, prior to the transfer of property, the State is required to solicit public comment on the proposed transfer. 

Please click here for additional information related to submitting public comment on a proposed property transfer.

Disposition Process Overview

For most Executive Branch agencies, the process for the disposition of surplus state owned real property is outlined in CGS 4b-21.  In summary, the process calls for:

  1. Not less than six (6) months before the date when the agency anticipates property to be surplus to its needs, the agency with custody and control of the property must notify in writing (1) the Office of Policy and Management (i.e. OPM) and (2) the municipality where the property is located that the property is not needed by the agency.
  2. At the discretion of the Secretary of OPM, either (1) custody and control of the property may continue to reside with the agency that declared it to be surplus to its needs; or (2)the custody and control of the property may transferred to the Department of Administrative Services (i.e. DAS).
  3. The Secretary of OPM will notify all state agencies that the property is available.
  4. Not later than thirty (30) days from receipt of the notification from the Secretary of OPM, any agency wishing to utilize the property must submit a reuse plan to OPM.
  5. The Secretary shall analyze agency reuse plans, if any, and determine whether the property should be transferred to an agency or if the property is surplus to State needs.
  6. If the Secretary of the OPM determines that the property was purchased or improved with the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations issued or to be issued by the State, the Secretary of the OPM is required by C.G.S. 4b-21 to notify the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut.
  7. If the Secretary determines the property to be surplus to State needs, the municipality where the property is located may request that an informational hearing be held to inform the public about the process for the disposition of surplus property, to provide a description of the property, to inform the public of its right to submit written comments under CGS 4b-47 and allow members of the public the opportunity to comment at the meeting.  After holding such meeting the Secretary of OPM shall inform DAS of the Secretary's determination regarding whether such property may be treated as surplus.
  8. After receiving notification from the Secretary that the property may be treated as surplus, the DAS shall offer to convey, sell, lease, etc., the property to the municipality provided the municipality accepts the conveyance via a vote of its legislative body verified by the clerk of the municipality and delivered to DAS not more than 60 days after receiving notice from DAS.  If the municipality fails to deliver such resolution to DAS, it shall be deemed to have declined the proposed conveyance. The Commissioner of DAS may extend the 60 day deadline by an additional thirty (30) days.
  9. If the local municipality does not opt to acquire the property, it is offered for general sale by the State acting through the DAS.
  10. Other than a transfer to another State agency, the conveyance of surplus property (sale, lease, exchange, etc) which has been declared surplus under CGS 4b-21 requires the approval of:
    1. Department of Administrative Services
    2. Office of Policy and Management
    3. State Properties Review Board
    4. Legislative Committee for Government Administration and Elections
    5. Legislative Committee for Finance, Revenue and Bonding
    6. Office of the Attorney General
    7. State Treasurer (execution and delivery of the deed)
NOTE: This is summary of the process is provided for general informational purposes only.  CGS 4b-21, CGS 3-14b, CGS 4b-47 and Public Act 13-263 are the statutes which dictate the surplus property process and any agency, municipality, entity or individual interested in the surplus property process should refer to those statutes for specific information.  Certain agencies such as the Department of Transportation, University of Connecticut, etc., have their own separate statutory authority and their process may differ from what is outlined here.


Office of Policy and Management

Bureau of Assets Management

450 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106-1379

Paul Hinsch


Phone: (860) 418-6429