The Bureau of Assets Management
The Bureau of Assets Management (the Bureau) is part of the Office of The Secretary within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and is responsible for the development of accurate, timely and unbiased, research-based information which is used for the support and development of Connecticut’s strategic real estate policy and planning initiatives.
Bureau staff have received Building Operator Certification (Level I & Level II) from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council as well as Green Building Professional Certification from the Urban Green Council.
Statutory Responsibilities
Established in May 1992 by CGS 4-67g, the Bureau is charged with:
Long-range planning with regard to the use of all state real property, and
Determining the level of efficiency of each state agency's use of its real property, and
Maintaining an inventory of State owned/leased real property, and
Determining the appropriate use of State real property, and
Analyzing and approving proposed changes in ownership and/or use of State real property.
In addition to the duties specifically outlined in CGS 4-67g, the Bureau is also responsible for:
The State Facility Plan and certain portions of the leasing process (CGS 4b-23 ), and
Analysis and recommendations for the disposition of property owned by the Department of Transportation (CGS 13a-80 and CGS 13a-80a )
Analyzing leases entered into by the Department of Labor under CGS 31-250(c)
Long Range Planning
In order to meet its statutory mandate for "Long range planning with regard to the use of all state real property" the Bureau has undertaken a series of on-going, long term planning activities:
State Facility Plan - The Bureau is responsible for the coordination and development of the State Facility Plan which is mandated by CGS. 4b-23 , and used as an advisory document for the leasing of property for use by State agencies and related capital projects.
Surplus State Property - With regards to the process by which the State divests itself of surplus real property, the Bureau is responsible for carrying out the OPM's responsibilities under CGS. 4b-21 .
Property Transactions - A significant number of State owned properties are sold or leased by the State to non-state entities for private, municipal and commercial uses. Where required, by statute or existing administrative process, the Bureau is responsible for analyzing all such transactions to ensure that the proposed transaction is in the best interests of the State of Connecticut and that no state owned property is being leased or sold which could potentially be utilized by another state agency.
Consulting - Through the development of accurate, timely and unbiased researched-based facility plans which are both economically responsible and logistically practicable, the Bureau is available to assist agencies with facility planning activities, development of budget estimates, development of project implementation timelines, cost vs. benefit analysis, etc., for difficult facility, procedural and implementation issues.
Legislation - The Bureau is also responsible for analyzing proposed legislation related to real property issues and making appropriate recommendations to the Secretary of the OPM as well as determining the potential fiscal, logistical and policy impacts of such legislation to both the OPM and the State of Connecticut.
Making Sure State Property Is Used Efficiently
In order to meet its statutory mandate for "Determining the level of efficiency of each and every state agency's use of any and all real property under its control" the Bureau has under taken the following:
State Leasing - The Bureau reviews each lease request submitted to OPM in order to determine its compliance with the State Facility Plan, determining if the terms of the lease are in the best interests of the State of Connecticut, comparing the request against the State's building inventory system and comparing the request against the inventory of surplus property to determine if the needs outlined in the lease request could be satisfied through the utilization of existing state owned space.
Interim Space Requests - The Bureau analyzes each interim space request submitted to OPM under C.G.S. 4b-23 in order to determine its compliance with the State Facility Plan as well as comparing the request against the State's building inventory system and the inventory of surplus property to determine if the needs outlined in the interim space request could be satisfied through the utilization of existing state owned space.
Inventory of Real Property - Through information obtained under the State building inventory, the State Facility Plan and site visits, the Bureau is able to make determinations as to whether State real property is being used efficiently. In instances where it is determined that property is not used efficiently, the Bureau makes recommendations to assist agencies with making more efficient utilization of their property.
Making Sure State Property Is Used Appropriately
CGS 4-67g makes the Bureau responsible for "Determining the appropriate use of state real property".
- Through the State's building inventory program, the Bureau has access to data concerning the use of each agency's state owned structures via the "Structure Classification" category which places each state owned structure into 1 of 25 possible classification categories such as office space, warehouse space, hospital space, etc. In addition, the inventory captures information regarding each building's construction, current condition, the number of square feet being utilized, etc.
The Bureau is responsible for maintaining the State's inventory of real property (owned/leased). This inventory is updated by State agencies and submitted to the Bureau where it is centrally stored and reported to the General Assembly.
A copy of the State's real property inventory can be found on our Reports and Publications page.
- State agencies which are subject to the provisions of CGS 4-67g are required to submit proposed changes of ownership or long-term changes in use of State real property to the Bureau. These requests are evaluated to ensure that what is being proposed is economical and in the best interests of the State of Connecticut.
- Forms and Sample Letters
- Have a question about State real estate?
- Notices from abutting property owners
- Eligible Owner Mediation
- Intellectual Property
- Surplus furniture, equipment, vehicles, etc., are the responsibility of the Department of Administrative Services.
- Sec. 4-67g. State real property: Long-range planning, efficiency and appropriateness of use and inventories. Secretary approval re ownership and use.
- Sec. 4b-23. State facility plan. Responsibilities of Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, Commissioner of Administrative Services and Properties Review Board.
- Sec. 4b-21. Purchase, sale or exchange of land for the state. Process for disposition of surplus state property.
- Sec. 4b-47. Sale or transfer of state land or interest in state land by state agency. Notice. Publication. Comment period. Duties of Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection.
- Sec. 3-14b. Option of municipality to purchase state-owned land prior to sale. Waiver of rights. Exceptions.
- Sec. 13a-80. Sale or lease of land by commissioner. Auctions. Appraisals. Offer to agencies, municipalities and abutting landowners.
- Sec. 13a-80a. Disposition of interests on, above or below state highway rights-of-way.
- Public Act 90-186. An Act Concerning The Programs and Activities of the Department of Transportation
- Sec. 31-250. Administration. Duties and powers of administrator. (Labor leases)
Office of Policy and Management
Bureau of Assets Management
450 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1379
Paul Hinsch
Phone: (860) 418-6429