Frequently Asked Questions on Reporting Medicaid ID

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Q1: Is reporting the Medicaid ID to CT WiZ new?

A: Providers have always been able to report the Medicaid ID in the CT WiZ user interface. As of June 2023, CT DPH updated the local HL7 guide on how to format the HL7 message. CT DPH communicated to providers on how to report this to CT WiZ in the user interface and by their electronic health records (EHRs) interface. See Updating Medicaid ID Health Insurance in CT WiZ.

Q2: Is there a timeline for reporting Medicaid ID to CT WiZ and this is required?

A: CT DPH is requesting providers report the Medicaid ID to ensure patients have a complete and accurate record in CT WiZ. Since June 2023, CT DPH has been communicating with providers on how to report this. CT DPH understands this may take time if an EHR vendor interface update is needed. The importance of providers reporting the Medicaid ID is dependent on all providers reporting this information statewide. As this information will improve patient matching and providers’ querying, and will impact generating future coverage analytics, reporting this information is encouraged as timely as possible. 

Q3: If I cannot send the Medicaid ID via my EHR/there are delays with updating my interface, do I have to enter this in the CT WiZ user interface?

A: Providers in the process of updating their EHR interface may choose to wait until their EHR interface is updated or may choose to report in the CT WiZ user interface if their clinic workflow supports entering this. If providers have questions about updating their EHRs to enable reporting this, please contact the CT DPH. Providers who report via the CT WiZ user interface may visit the instructions on reporting to CT WiZ: Updating Medicaid ID Health Insurance.

Q4: Should we report any retrospective Medicaid IDs to CT WiZ?

A: Currently, providers are requested to report Medicaid IDs on your patients to CT WiZ. Providers may report retrospective Medicaid IDs to CT WiZ to ensure all your patient roster have complete, accurate records with their current Medicaid ID reflected.

Q5: Why are provider's requested to report this information to CT WiZ? 

A: Providers can report the current Medicaid ID on their patients when reporting vaccinations. The patient Medicaid ID helps ensure patient records are complete and accurate in CT WiZ, helps improve patient matching when providers query for immunization records, and will help the CT DPH CT WiZ generate advanced immunization coverage analytics. 

Q6: What do we report if the patient is uninsured, if insurance is unknown, or if we do not collect insurance?

A: Currently in the HL7 message, it supports reporting the Medicaid ID. It does not yet support other insurance types. If the patient does not have insurance or you do not collect insurance, then this field would not be submitted to CT WiZ.

Q7: If the Medicaid ID is the secondary insurance, should this information be sent?

A: Yes. Also, in the CT WiZ user interface, you can check off the ‘primary insurance’ if applicable.

Q8: How many digits does the Medicaid ID have?

A: The Medicaid ID has 9 digits.

Q9: I thought we should send the insurance number in the IN1 segments. Why do we send the Medicaid ID in the PID-3?

A: Providers should add the Medicaid ID in the PID.3 patient identifier that is part of the HL7 national standard and is an accepted type in this component. Once CT WiZ supports the insurance segments (INI), CT DPH will inform providers of when to start reporting other types of patient's insurance. CT DPH is also having discussions with providers and pharmacies about Medicaid ID.

PID-3 Patient Identifier List (CX) 00106
     Definition: This field contains the list of identifiers (one or more) used by the healthcare facility to uniquely
     identify a patient (e.g. medical record number, billing number, birth registry, national unique individual
     identifier, etc.).


HL7 Table 0203 - Identifier Type