What are the vaccine requirements for individuals who move to CT as refugees or humanitarian parolees?

Read time: 5 minutes


Are you an individual who moved to Connecticut from another country and have been granted humanitarian parole or refugee status?

Humanitarian Parole/Refugee Requirements:

  • Vaccinations: One shot of measles, one shot of polio, one shot of COVID-19.
  • Tuberculosis (TB) Test


  • Refugees have additional healthcare requirements.
  • Please also visit the CDC Immunization Schedules to see which other vaccinations are recommended by your age.

To apply for benefits:

To find a health care clinic near you:

  • Visit 2-1-1 Connecticut (click the drop down next to the globe symbol at the top right of the screen to select your language) or Call 2-1-1.
  • If you need help finding a healthcare provider for your child, view the CT Vaccine Provider List to find a CVP provider near you.
  • Call the CT DPH Immunization Program at 860-509-7929 (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm)
  • Call or visit Immunization Action Plan (click on Contacts for the map and contacts)

Helpful Resources:

General Public