Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP)


ESAP is a SNAP demonstration project for older adults and those with disabilities. The renewal process is streamlined, making it easier to continue getting SNAP. ESAP is used for people whose situation is less likely to change. This helps increase the efficiency of SNAP and reduces food insecurity.

Eligibility for ESAP

You will automatically be on ESAP if your household is all of these things:

  • All adults are either 60 years or older or have a disability as defined by the SNAP program, and
  • No one in your household is working, and
  • You are currently on SNAP and continue to be eligible for SNAP.

Note: While on ESAP, children may be in the home. But if your child is the only one disabled, this will not make you ESAP eligible.

If you are on ESAP

There are benefits to being eligible for ESAP that can help you stay on SNAP:

  • You only have to renew your SNAP benefits 1 time every 3 years;
  • You do not have to complete a Periodic Report Form (PRF), which is usually required 6 months after every renewal;
  • You do not have to do an interview when you renew your SNAP, unless we have questions, or you ask for an interview; and
  • You may be able to submit fewer documents when you renew your SNAP.

What you have to report if you are on ESAP

You will need to report changes if they make you not eligible for ESAP anymore.

Any of the following changes make you not eligible for ESAP:

  • You start living with someone who is an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWDs).
  • Your home no longer includes an older adult (60+) or an adult with a disability.
  • The adult in your home starts working.
  • If you receive lotto/gambling winnings that are $4,250 or more in a single game.

There are 3 ways you can report changes:

  1. Online by visiting www.connect.ct.gov on a computer or www.myDSS.ct.gov on a phone, tablet, other mobile device
  2. Call the CT DSS Benefit Center at 1-855-626-6632
  3. Visit any of the local 12 DSS Resource Centers