The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Connecticut Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment and User Guide


Connecticut Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment and User Guide is a two-part document.


The first page, the Connecticut Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment, is an assessment tool that may be used to identify asymptomatic adults and children for latent TB infection (LTBI) testing.


The pages that follow are a User Guide that provides additional information about how to use this tool.


  • Use this tool to identify asymptomatic adults and children for latent TB infection (LTBI) testing.  
  • This tool may be used for school-aged children to determine if a student should have a TB test.
  • This TB Risk Assessment does not supersede any TB testing mandated by statute, regulation, or policy.
  • A negative tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) does not rule out active TB disease.
  • Do not repeat testing unless there are new risk factors since the last test.
    • If initial negative screening test occurred prior to 6 months of age, repeat testing should occur at age 6 months or older.
  • Do not treat for LTBI until active TB disease has been excluded.
    • For persons with TB symptoms or an abnormal chest x-ray, evaluate for active TB disease with a chest x-ray, symptom screen, and if indicated, sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smears, cultures, and nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT).  

Further information about TB Risk Assessments

Public Act No. 21-121 includes new language about TB screening, testing, treatment, and education for health care personnel in health care facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 368v of the general statutes. Public Act No. 21-121 was signed into law by Governor Lamont on July 6, 2021.

Full text of Public Act No. 21-121: An Act Concerning The Department of Public Health's Recommendations Regarding Various Revisions to the Public Health Statutes

Excerpt specific to TB screening, testing, treatment, and education for health care personnel in health care facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 368v of the general statutes may be found on page 49 of Public Act No. 21-121:


Sec. 36. (NEW) (Effective July 1, 2021) A health care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 368v of the general statutes shall have policies and procedures in place that reflect the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendations for tuberculosis screening, testing, treatment and education for health care personnel. Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any regulations adopted thereunder, any employee providing direct patient care in a facility licensed pursuant to chapter 368v of the general statutes shall receive tuberculosis screening and testing in compliance with the licensed health care facility's policies and procedures.



This page last updated 7/26/2021.