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Accreditation Toolkit for
Local and Tribal Health Departments

Accreditation Coordination Tools

Accreditation Coordinator and Domain team tools are helpful in the organization of the Documentation Collection phase, one of the most important steps in the accreditation process. Tools such as progress tables, quick reference check lists, and measure review forms are available. Also included are examples of communication materials used to improve DPH's awareness of accreditation activity, as well as, training materials to prepare domain teams to successfully take on the task of identifying and assessing potential documents. 

Quality Improvement and Performance Management

Quality Improvement and Performance Management are critical components of accreditation. PHAB's Standards and Measures outline expectations of performance management and quality improvement practices and processes for the continuous improvement of the public health department's practices, programs, and interventions. Tools and resources are available to help an agency develop its Quality Improvement Plan, conduct quality improvement projects, and communicate activities with staff, constituents, and other external or internal partners.

PHAB Pre-Requisites

The three pre-requisite documents that are submitted to PHAB at the time of the application are the Community Health Assessment (CHA), the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), and the Agency Strategic Plan (SP). Various sections of the accreditation requirements specifically ask for these documents, along with documentation of activities, strategies, and improvements made as a result of the CHA, CHIP, and SP. Tools and resources are available to aid in the development of a department's assessment and plans.

Workforce Development

Within PHAB's Standards and Measures is a focus on the need for departments to strategically approach the development of a competent workforce to perform public health duties. The Workforce Development Plan is a major document, and is meant to demonstrate the health department's planning for employee training, implementation of these opportunities, and the development of core competencies. Resources include templates and tools to help departments develop a quality Workforce Development Plan prior to documentation submission.

Health Equity

Health Equity is an important part of the PHAB Standards and Measures. Requirements include the consideration and implementation of health equity activities and strategies. The Health Equity Toolkit for Local Health Departments is a collection of resources and practical tools designed to help Local Health Departments in CT and other DPH partners understand the components of health equity, and include health equity in daily work.

Administrative and Management Documentation Tools

Accreditation also seeks to address the public health department's operational infrastructure that supports its capacity to carry out the 10 Essential Public Health Services. Required materials pertain to everything from human resource policies, to financial management, IT security, health equity policies, and public health ethics. There is also a focus on the relationship building between the health department and its governing entity. Resources available include policy and protocol templates adopted at CT DPH, policy examples, a template for tracking the actions of the governing entity, and NACCHO resources for engaging the local health governing entity.

If you have any questions about the materials provided, please contact



Updated: July 2023