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Please note that pre-approval is not required, however, if the applicant is unsure if the planned experience to be completed in Connecticut meets the requirements, the applicant may apply for pre-approval as follows:


An applicant may apply to the Department for pre-approval of a supervised work experience plan for purposes of obtaining a Connecticut psychology license.   The plan should be completed by the prospective work experience supervisor(s) and submitted directly to this office.  


Individuals completing the work experience in Connecticut are exempt from the licensing requirement while completing the work experience necessary to obtain licensure.  The exemption shall cease upon notification that the person did not successfully complete the EPPP examination or one year after completion of the work experience, whichever comes first.


Documentation Requirements


An application for pre-approval which includes the work experience plan; and


All doctoral transcripts submitted directly from the institution(s) where studies were completed.  If the doctoral degree has not yet been conferred, a letter from the doctoral program confirming the date all academic, practicum and thesis requirements were met and the expected conferral date is required.

Appplicant's graduating from a program that was not APA accredited, must, in addition to arranging for the submission of an official transcript, arrange for the submission of a Verification of Doctoral Education Program Form directly from the source.

Use of Terms


Prior to licensure and during the period of time devoted to completing the post-doctoral experience requirement in Connecticut, candidates are permitted to utilize the description "psychology resident", solely in the conduct of an approved post-doctoral work experience plan.  Outside of the candidate's employment under the terms of an approved plan, candidates must refrain from using any title employing the terms "psychologist", "psychology" or psychological" to describe their services offered to the public, or to any public or private organization, for a fee or other remuneration.