The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Written Delegation Agreement

A supervising physician shall establish the terms of a written delegation agreement that shall include, but not be limited to:
A description of the professional relationship between the supervising physician and the physician assistant; 
Identification of the medical services that the physician assistant may perform;

A description of the manner in which the physician assistant's prescribing of controlled substances shall be documented in the patient's medical record; and 
A description of the process for the supervising physician to evaluate the physician assistant's performance, including, but not limited to the frequency with which the supervising physician intends to personally review the physician assistant's practice and performance of delegated medical services, and a description of the manner in which, and the frequency with which, the supervising physician intends to review the physician assistant's prescription and administration of controlled substances in schedule II or III.
A supervising physician in a hospital setting shall reference or include applicable hospital policies, protocols and procedures in the written delegation agreement. The supervising physician shall review the written delegation agreement not less than annually and shall revise such written delegation agreement as the supervising physician deems necessary to reflect any change in the professional relationship between the supervising physician and the physician assistant, the medical services that the physician assistant is authorized to perform or the process for the supervising physician to evaluate the physician assistant's performance. All orders written by a physician assistant shall be followed by the signature of the physician assistant and the printed name of the supervising physician.
A physician assistant may, as delegated by the supervising physician within the scope of such physician's license,  prescribe and administer drugs, including controlled substances in schedule IV or V in all settings,  renew prescriptions for controlled substances in schedule II, III, IV or V in all settings, prescribe and administer controlled substances in schedule II or III in all settings, provided in all cases where the physician assistant prescribes a controlled substance in schedule II or III, the physician under whose supervision the physician assistant is prescribing shall document such physician's approval of the order in the patient's medical record in the manner prescribed in the written delegation agreement, and prescribe and approve the use of durable medical equipment.
The physician assistant may, as delegated by the supervising physician within the scope of such physician's license, request, sign for, receive and dispense drugs to patients, in the form of professional samples, as defined in section 20-14c, or when dispensing in an outpatient clinic as defined in the regulations of Connecticut state agencies and licensed pursuant to subsection (a) of section 19a-491, Connecticut General Statutes, that operates on a not-for-profit basis, or when dispensing in a clinic operated by a state agency or municipality.  A physician assistant may not request, sign for, receive or dispense any drug that the physician assistant is not authorized to prescribe.