Connecticut Conrad 30/J-1 Visa Waiver Program

Application Cycle 2024 - 25: The Commissioner of the Department of Public Health has reserved up to three waiver recommendations for the Conrad 30 Application Cycle 2024-25 in accordance with section 19a-2a-26(g) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies in the following specialties: Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Child/Adolescent Psychiatry.
Overview of Conrad 30/J-1 Visa Waiver Program The Connecticut Primary Care Office (PCO) administers the Conrad 30/J-1 Visa Waiver Program which allows each state’s department of health to recommend up to thirty (30) International Medical Graduates (IMGs) each year for a waiver of the J-1 Visa requirement to return to the IMG’s home country for two (2) years. In order to receive the waiver, IMGs must agree to serve in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), Medically Underserved Area (MUA), or Medically Underserved Population (MUP) for three (3) years. The Connecticut program makes no distinction between physician applicants’ specialties. The PCO measures access to primary medical, dental, and mental health care by evaluating provider and population data for the designation of HPSAs and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/Ps) across the state. Through this process and by leveraging the Conrad 30 program, the PCO seeks to improve the allocation of resources to the areas of greatest need. Timeline and Application Process for Fiscal Year 2025 The application process requires submission of both a hard copy and an e-mailed PDF copy of the application by the established deadline. The Department will accept delivery of applications between 8:00 A.M. EST, October 1, 2024, through 4:30 P.M. EST, October 15, 2024.   All hard copy original applications must be sent to the following address:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Public Health Initiatives Branch
Primary Care Office
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11PCO
Hartford, Connecticut 06134-0308
Phone: (860) 509-8251
E-mail copies shall be sent to:
Subject line: Conrad-30 Application

If the Department receives fewer than thirty (30) applications deemed complete, the department shall post a notice on its Internet website that it will continue to receive applications until April 1, 2025, or until the number of applications deemed complete reaches the maximum permitted under federal law, whichever occurs first. Any applications received after October 16, 2024 under this section shall be evaluated by the department in the order of their receipt. If the Department receives thirty (30) or fewer applications deemed complete in accordance with §19a-2a-26 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, all of the applications deemed complete may be recommended to the Director of the United States Department of State Waiver Review Division (“Director”).

If the Department receives 
greater than thirty (30) applications deemed complete in accordance with §19a-2a-26 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, all applications deemed complete will be entered into a lottery system to randomly select thirty (30) applications for recommendation to the Director. The Department will conduct the lottery at a later date which will be posted on the Department website. The public is welcome to attend the lottery drawing.

The Department will recommend applications to the Director as described in §19a-2a-26 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

Annual Physician Monitoring and Reporting

If you have been granted a J-1 Visa Waiver as a result of your Conrad 30 application, please complete the Physician Monitoring and Reporting Form. As mentioned in the application packet, this form should be completed and submitted by the physician at the end of each contracted year throughout the entire three (3) year employment commitment. Please e-mail the Physician Monitoring and Reporting Form and the Verification Form to


Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies §19a-2a-24 to §19a-2a-26

Application Packet

Annual Physician Monitoring and Reporting Form

Verification Form

Shortage Designation Verification:

U.S. Department of State

Alternative Waiver Request Process (unrelated to Conrad 30 State Waivers): J-1 Waiver through HHS


FY2025 Lottery:  The Connecticut Conrad State 30 / J-1 Visa Waiver Program received more than 30 J-1 Visa waiver applications from physician applicants for FY 2025. Pursuant to § 19a-2a-26(f) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Department of Public Health conducted a lottery to assign rank to all complete applications in order to determine which applications will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of State Waiver Review Division.

  • The live lottery drawing took place on Thursday, November 21, 2024 from 11:00 AM EST to 11:30AM EST in DPH's 3rd Floor Hearing Room at 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06134
  • The public was able to observe the proceedings in person or via Zoom video conferencing, which can be viewed here.
  • The Excel spreadsheet used to record the order in which all applicants were selected during the lottery is available here.

FY2024 Lottery Results:  The Connecticut Conrad State 30 / J-1 Visa Waiver Program received more than 30 J-1 Visa waiver applications from physician applicants for FY 2024. Pursuant to § 19a-2a-26(f) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Department of Public Health conducted a lottery to assign rank to all complete applications in order to determine which applications will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of State Waiver Review Division.

  • The live lottery drawing took place on Monday, November 13, 2023 from 10:00 AM EST to 10:30AM EST in DPH's 3rd Floor Hearing Room at 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06134
  • The public was able to observe the proceedings in person or via Zoom video conferencing, a recording of which can be viewed here.
  • The Excel spreadsheet used to record the order in which all applicants were selected during the lottery is available here.

FY 2023 Lottery Results: The Connecticut Conrad State 30 / J-1 Visa Waiver Program received more than 30 J-1 Visa waiver applications from physician applicants for FY 2023. Pursuant to § 19a-2a-26(f) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Department of Public Health conducted a lottery to assign rank to all complete applications in order to determine which applications will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of State Waiver Review Division.

FY 2022 Lottery Results: The Connecticut Conrad State 30 / J-1 Visa Waiver Program received more than 30 J-1 Visa waiver applications from physician applicants for FY 2022. Pursuant to § 19a-2a-26(f) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Department of Public Health conducted a lottery to assign rank to all complete applications in order to determine which applications will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of State Waiver Review Division.

FY 2020 Lottery Results

  • The live lottery drawing took place on Monday, November 4, 2019 from 12:00 PM EST to 1:00PM EST in DPH's 3rd Floor Hearing Room at 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06134
  • The public was able to observe the proceedings in person or via GoToWebinar, a recording of which can be viewed here
  • The Excel spreadsheet used to record the order in which all applicants were selected during the lottery is available here
Revised: 11/17/2023