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Electrology Continuing Education Requirements

In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, Section 20-275, each electrologist applying for license renewal is required to participate in continuing education programs.  




Each licensee applying for license renewal shall complete a minimum of 10 contact hours of qualifying continuing education during in each of the two (2) years prior to the license being renewed, at least 2 of which shall be in infection control, blood borne diseases, universal precautions, sanitation and sterilization, or any combination thereof.  1 contact hour is a minimum of 50 minutes of continuing education activity.




Continuing education shall be in areas related to the individual’s practice and include:


Courses offered or approved by the American Electrology Association (AEA) or its affiliates;


Hospital or medical school sponsored educational offerings, provided the coursework is related to health issues of practitioners;


Post-graduate coursework offered at Board approved electrology schools, either audited or by credit;


Credit-bearing college courses and other post-graduate classes for continuing education credit offered at a regionally accredited academic institution, provided the coursework is clearly related to electrology theory, technical and clinical aspects of electrolysis, electrology research, ethical or legal aspects of practicing electrolysis or health issues of electrologists;


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation course given by an American Heart Association or American Red Cross qualified instructor;


Presentation by a licensee of an original paper, essay or formal lecture in electrology; or


Original paper published by a licensee in a professional journal.


Internet-based and distance learning opportunities are acceptable provided they qualify as a home study program.  A home study program is defined as continuing education activities, clearly related to maintaining skills necessary for the safe and competent practice of electrology that require the successful completion of a proficiency examination and are sponsored, endorsed or approved by the American Electrology Association (AEA) or its affiliates.  The Department does not approve continuing education courses or pre-approve specific coursework for individual licensees, nor does the Department maintain a list of continuing education courses.




Each licensee must obtain a certificate of completion from the provider of the continuing education for all continuing education hours that are successfully completed and shall retain such certificate for a minimum of three years following the date for which the activity satisfies the continuing education requirement.  Upon request by the department, the licensee shall submit the certificate to the department.  A licensee who fails to comply with the continuing education requirements, including failure to maintain proof of course completion, shall be subject to disciplinary action.


Each licensee applying for license renewal will be asked to attest that the licensee satisfies the continuing education requirements.  Certificates of completion should not be mailed to the Department unless a licensee is specifically directed to do so.




A licensee who is applying for license renewal for the first time is exempt from continuing education requirements until such licensee’s next registration period.


The Department may, for a licensee who is not engaged in active practice or who has a medical disability or illness, grant a waiver of the continuing education requirements for a specific period of time or may grant the licensee an extension of time in which to fulfill the requirements.  Waivers must be requested annually at the time of license renewal by submitting the required application form.


Individuals who have received a waiver and wish to return to active practice must complete 4 hours of continuing education activities as outlined above prior to returning to active practice.