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Dentist Continuing Education Information

Connecticut licensed dentists are required to participate in continuing education (CE) activities.  Please note the following:


Number of Hours


Licensed dentists shall earn a minimum of twenty-five contact hours of qualifying continuing education every two years.  One contact hour is a minimum of fifty minutes of continuing education activity.


Qualifying CE


The continuing education shall (1) be in an area of the licensee's practice; (2) reflect the professional needs of the licensee in order to meet the health care needs of the public; and (3) include not less than one contact hour of training or education in (A) any three of the ten mandatory topics for continuing education activities prescribed by the Commissioner, (B) for registration periods beginning on and after October 1, 2016, infection control in a dental setting, and (C) prescribing controlled substances and pain management.


The ten (10) mandatory topics for continuing education activities prescribed by the Commissioner are:  Prescribing controlled substances and pain management; Record keeping/risk management,; Infection control; Access to care; HIPAA compliance; Medical emergencies in the dental office (including current training in CPR); Sexual assault and domestic abuse; Cultural competence; Mental health conditions common to veterans; and Diagnostic technology.


Eight hours of volunteer dental practice at a public health facility, as defined in section 20-126l may be substituted for one contact hour of continuing education, up to a maximum of ten contact hours in one twenty-four-month period.


Qualifying continuing education activities include, but are not limited to, courses offered or approved by: the American Dental Association (ADA) or state, district or local dental associations and societies affiliated with the American Dental Association; national, state, district or local dental specialty organizations or the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD); a hospital or other health care institution; dental schools or other schools of higher education accredited or recognized by the Council on Dental Accreditation (CODA) or a regional accrediting organization; agencies or businesses whose programs are accredited or recognized by the Council on Dental Accreditation (CODA); local, state or national medical associations; a state or local health department; or the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).  


Approval of Courses


The Department does not approve continuing education courses or pre-approve specific coursework for individual licensees, nor does the Department maintain a list of continuing education courses.  It is incumbent on the licensee and the provider to ensure that the CE activity meets the requirements as outlined on this page and in the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS).


Internet-based, on-line and other distance learning opportunities are acceptable.


Documentation Requirements 


Each licensee must obtain a certificate of completion from the provider of the continuing education or retain records of attendance for all continuing education hours that demonstrate compliance with the continuing education requirements and shall retain such documentation for a minimum of three years from the date of completion.   Upon request by the Department, the licensee shall submit such certificates to the Department within forty-five days. 

A licensee, who fails to comply with the continuing education requirements, including failure to maintain proof of course completion, is subject to disciplinary action.


Each licensee applying for license renewal will be asked to attest that the licensee satisfies the continuing education requirements.  Certificates of completion should not be mailed to the Department at the time of license renewal unless a licensee is specifically asked to do so.




A licensee whose license is due to expire on or before September 30, 2007, is exempt from documenting completion of continuing education requirements until such licensee’s next registration period.


A licensee who is applying for license renewal for the first time is exempt from continuing education requirements until such licensee’s next registration period.  The Department may, for a licensee who is not engaged in active practice or who has a medical disability or illness, grant a waiver of the continuing education requirements for a specified period of time or may grant the licensee an extension of time in which to fulfill the requirements.   Waivers must be requested at the time of license renewal by submitting an affidavit.  


Iindividuals who have received an exemption or waiver may not return to active practice until the licensee has met the continuing education requirements as outlined above.


Reinstatement of a Lapsed License


A licensee whose license has lapsed and who applies for reinstatement shall submit evidence of having completed twelve contact hours of continuing education within the one year period immediately preceding application for reinstatement.