The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Endorsement of an Out-of-State License

An applicant for licensure by endorsement shall present evidence satisfactory to the commissioner that the applicant is licensed or certified as an art therapist, or as a person entitled to perform similar services under a different designation, in another state or jurisdiction that has requirements for practicing in such capacity that are substantially similar to, or higher than, those of this state and that there are no disciplinary actions or unresolved complaints pending in this state or any other state.

Documentation Requirements:

A completed application with photograph and fee of $315.  Applications are only accepted online.  Please select this link to apply online.

Please arrange for all states to submit written verification of your licenses.  The purpose of the verification is to document that you have not been subject to any type of disciplinary action.  Department staff will review the other state's licensing requirements and determine if they are substantially similar to, or higher than, those of this state and that there are no disciplinary actions or unresolved complaints pending.  This review takes apporximately six weeks.

Please arrange for the state's to send the verification directly to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Art Therapy Licensure

410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP

P.O. Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134