Mary Ellen O'Neill Named Bank Examination Director

January 31, 2001  -

State Banking Commissioner John P. Burke has announced the promotions for two members of his management staff:

Howard F. Pitkin, director of the Bank Examination Division since 1989, has become Administrator of Depository Institutions, responsible for the overall administrative operations for both the banking department’s Bank Examination and Credit Union Divisions. The appointment became effective September 8, 2000.

Mary Ellen O’Neill, who was an assistant director for the Bank Examination Division, succeeds Pitkin as division director, effective December 1, 2000. She is responsible for the day to day operations of the division and for upholding the safety and soundness of Connecticut’s 60 state-chartered banks and other licensed entities including foreign bank offices, money forwarders and check cashing services. She supervises a staff that includes two assistant directors, 33 examiners and four support personnel.

Howard Pitkin Mary Ellen O'Neill
Howard Pitkin Mary Ellen O'Neill

O’Neill received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1985 from Quinnipiac University, where she later earned a Master of Business Administration. She joined the banking department in 1987 and held a number of examiner positions prior to being named assistant director of the Bank Examination Division in 1997.

"During her association with the banking department, Mary Ellen has effectively carried out the duties and responsibilities that were assigned to her," said Burke. "She has proven to be a conscientious and dedicated state employee and I’m pleased to reward her efforts with this promotion. I am confident that her experience has prepared her to meet the future challenges that will face the division in today’s dynamic financial services environment."

O’Neill has been an active participant in various committees and educational conferences sponsored by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), a Washington, D.C.-based organization dedicated to enhancing the value of the state charter and strengthening the professionalism of state banking departments and their personnel. As a member of both the Technology and International Banking committees, she often provided direct input on how to best address regulatory and compliance issues affecting the banking industry.

According to Burke, the professional efforts by Pitkin and O’Neill were instrumental in assisting him in fostering a business-friendly environment that provided competitive regulatory advantages for foreign companies that decided to locate here, including Swiss-based UBS AG and the Bank of Ireland. The two also spearheaded a proactive effort to make sure that banks and other regulated entities would be ready to handle the Year 2000 date change, culminating with a smooth transition into the new millennium with absolutely no disruption to consumers in financial business.

"Members of the banking and financial services industry have been well served by the high level of competence and integrity displayed by Pitkin and O’Neill in the positions they held within the Bank Examination Division," Burke said. "Now, with somewhat different roles, they will continue to insure that the Department of Banking shines among its peers."

Howard Pitkin resides in Vernon. Mary Ellen O’Neill is a resident of New London.
