Bank Examination Director Named
State Distinguished Manager of the Year

May 23, 2000  -

Howard Pitkin accepts award from Governor Rowland
Howard Pitkin and 
Governor John Rowland (l-r)
Howard Pitkin, of Vernon, Director of the Bank Examination Division for the Connecticut Department of Banking, was one of four state employees selected to receive a Distinguished Manager of the Year Award for their contributions to state service. Governor John G. Rowland presented the awards at the State Managers' Day meeting held last week.

Mr. Pitkin worked for the Office of State Comptroller prior to joining the banking department in 1977 as an examiner. He was named director of the Bank Examination Division in 1989 and currently supervises a staff consisting of two assistant directors, 33 examiners and five clerical support employees. The Division is primarily responsible for ensuring the safety and soundness of Connecticut banks. It also supervises the activities of check cashiers, money forwarders and other bank-related entities operating in the state.

While Mr. Pitkin was praised for his overall achievements in state service, he was particularly commended for his recent efforts to direct the agency's Y2K program and for spearheading a proactive program to ensure that all Connecticut banks were Y2K compliant, tasks that eventually brought a smooth and trouble-free start to the new millennium for Connecticut consumers.

In nominating Mr. Pitkin for the honor, State Banking Commissioner John P. Burke said: "Howard has managed his division in such a way that the Department of Banking has become recognized nationally as one of the best in the country. He represents everything that a distinguished manager should be and his positive approach to the completing the job at hand serves as a model to his peers."

Pitkin has also been very involved in community service. For more than a decade he has been associated with the Downtown Hartford YMCA, presently serving as a member of its board of managers and as chairman of the Residence Committee which oversees improvements to the housing conditions and services for YMCA residents.