Press Releases
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Farm Transition Grant Features Four Dynamic Categories to Support Connecticut Agricultural Producers
(HARTFORD, CT) – The Connecticut Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce the 2023 Farm Transition Grant (FTG) application period will open on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. The grant features four dynamic categories to address gaps in funding to support farmers in times of growth and change. Applications are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 11, 2022.
- 10/21/2022 Farmers Tax Exemption Permit Renewal Information
- 10/14/2022 Farmland Restoration Grant Guidance Now Available For Projects To Restore Lands into Active Agricultural Production
Connecticut Department of Agriculture Celebrates Connecticut Grown for Connecticut Kids Week
(HARTFORD) The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg), along with partners from the CT Farm to School Collaborative, Food Corps, and State Department of Education, visited Environmental Science Magnet School in Hartford today to celebrate Connecticut Grown for Connecticut Kids Week happening statewide through October 7.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected In New Haven County Connecticut
(HARTFORD) Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was detected in a backyard flock in New Haven County on October 4, 2022. The backyard flock, consisting of turkeys, guinea fowl and chickens, were pets, not commercial poultry. Samples were sent to the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab (CVMDL) for testing.
Livestock Owners Urged to Be Aware of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) After Recent Detections in White-Tailed Deer in Connecticut
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) is urging livestock owners to be aware of signs of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD). This follows the recent announcement by Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) that EHD has been confirmed in white-tailed deer for the third year since first detected in our state in 2017.
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture Confirms Incidence of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus in Hartford County
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture has confirmed Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 (RHDV2) at a private residence in Hartford County.
Support Connecticut's Farmers and Restaurants During Farm-to-Chef Week, September 3-10, 2022
(HARTFORD, CT) – The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (DoAg) announces that 2022 Farm-to-Chef Week will run from Saturday, September 3 through Saturday, September 10. This special week encourages culinary professionals to use Connecticut Grown ingredients in new ways on their menus while educating residents and visitors about the diversity of farm products grown and raised in Connecticut.
Celebrate National Farmers' Market Week, August 7-13
(HARTFORD, CT) – Now in its 23rd year, National Farmers’ Market Week (NFMW) is an annual celebration that highlights the vital role farmers’ markets play in the nation’s food system. Amidst global change, it is now more important than ever to showcase the importance of farmers’ markets in communities!
Connecticut Department of Agriculture Funds Seven Local Food Purchase Assistance Awards Totaling $2 Million
(HARTFORD, CT) – Agriculture Commissioner Bryan P. Hurlburt announces that the Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) has awarded $2,031,000 million in funds to seven projects through funding from the USDA Agriculture Marketing Service Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program (LFPA).
Connecticut Milk Promotion Board Awards $500,000 To Increase Sales of Milk and Dairy Products
(HARTFORD, CT) –The Connecticut Milk Promotion Board (CT MPB), administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg), has awarded three grants totaling $500,000 to projects that align with their strategic vision to increase purchases and expand the access of milk and dairy products to consumers, retailers, institutions, and other applicable outlets
Himmelstein Farm in Lebanon Permanently Protected
(Hartford, CT) – The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) announces that during fiscal year 2022, which ended on June 30, a total of 16 farms and 1,432 acres have been permanently protected through the Farmland Preservation Program. Since the inception of the program in 1979 the state has protected 47,611 acres of farmland and more than 400 farms.
Stars, Stripes, and Sweet Corn
(HARTFORD, CT) – Summer is officially underway as Connecticut farmers are picking early varieties of sweet corn in time for you to celebrate our nation’s independence this upcoming weekend. Whether you are planning to invite friends and family over for a barbeque or heading to a campground or the beach, Connecticut’s farm stands and farmers’ markets have everything to fill your grill or cool you down.
Birkbeck Farm in North Stonington Permanently Protected
(Hartford, CT) – The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) is pleased to announce the preservation of Birkbeck Farm in North Stonington. This 69-acre farm was protected in concert with Connecticut Farmland Trust (CFT) and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) bringing the tally of farms protected this fiscal year by CT DoAg to 15 farms and 1,400 acres.
Pick-Your-Own Connecticut Grown Strawberries
(HARTFORD, CT) – Connecticut’s pick-your-own farms are bursting with ripe, juicy strawberries ready to be eaten. Now is the time to visit a Connecticut berry patch for a fun experience with family and friends!